374.Full-thickness right pectoralis major muscle tear


Figure 5A. Axial T1W image of the right chest. No signal or morphologic abnormality is identified.

Figure 5B. Axial short tau inversion recovery (STIR) image of the right chest, same level. Focal increased STIR signal abnormality of the lateral aspect of the right pectoralis major muscle is now evident.

Diagnosis: Full-thickness right pectoralis major muscle tear.


Lesions that exhibit similar T1 relaxation times compared to surrounding normal tissues may go virtually undetected on a T1W image. This is illustrated in Case 5, where the fluid and hemorrhage filling the full-thickness pectoralis muscle tear are obviously seen on the short tau inversion recovery (STIR) image (see Fig. 5B). However, on the T1W image (see Fig. 5A), the fluid-filled tear is isointense to the adjacent normal musculature, with no focal morphologic abnormality appreciated.


1. pectoralis 胸  ;pectoralis major muscle 胸大肌

2. morphologic /ˌmɔ:fə'lɔdʒik//ˌmɔ:fə'lɔdʒik/ adj. 形态学(上),语形学的

3. isointense 等信号

4. musculature /'mʌskjʊlətʃə//'mʌskjələtʃɚ/ n. 肌肉组织;肌肉




