意大利画家 Bartolomeo Pinelli(1781-1835年)


Two Girls from Frascati Visit a Hermit 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1807

A Woman Holding a Boy with Her Hand Passing a Gentleman Seated Among Ruins in the Campagna 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1807

Three ciociare costumes from the Papal States taking water 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Romans playing the game of bowls 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Salutation of a Hermit 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

The Boccia Game 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

The Dancing Bear 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

The Serenade 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Three South-italian Women 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Two Shepherds in the Campagna 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Vintage in the Mountains near Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Woman with a Baby Praying Before the Cross Marking the Place Where Her Husband was Killed 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Return from the Vintage 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Rest During the Vintage 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Return from the Vintage 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

On the Road to Tivoli 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Playing with Money 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

In Tivoli 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Laundry in the Mountains near Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

At a Stream in the Mountains near Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Ave Maria at Tivoli 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Fight of Women in Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

A Woman and Two Men with Guns. Costumes of the Kingdom of Naples 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

A Peasant Family in the Campagna 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

A Domestic Dispute in Tivoli 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

A Family of Shepherds at Night 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

A Group of Three Peasants in a Village 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Dancing Peasants in the Neighborhood of Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

A Destitute Woman in Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Two Pipers from the Abruzzi in Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Dancing Peasants in the Neighborhood of Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1808

Quarrel of females in Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1809

Litigation of Trasteverini people 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1809

The death of Epaminondas 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1812

Saltarello Romano 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1815

Interior of a Roman Inn 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1817

The stop during the walk 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1818

Courtship 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1818

Ciociare of the Roman State 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1818

Butcher of Rome 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1818

Family of Ciociari on the road 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1818

The Obrero inside the barrel rolled by the mob (Plate ??/52) 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1822-1823

Meo Patacca receives money from the gentlemen for the the parties he wants to do (Plate ??/52) 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1823

Meo Patacca challenges those who say badly about Rome with the weapon in hand (Plate ??/52) 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1823

Nuccia accepts Meo Patacca for her husband (Plate 52/52) 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1823

Distribution of bread to the farmers inside the Flavian Amphitheater 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1831

Bandits kidnapping a woman 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli 1834

Study 作者:Bartolomeo Pinelli ?

