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本次文献选自Masocatto NO, Da-Matta T, Prozzo TG, Couto WJ, Porfirio G. Thoracic outlet syndrome: a narrative review. Síndrome do desfiladeiro torácico: uma revisão narrativa. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2019;46(5):e20192243. Published 2019 Dec 20. 本次学习由谢珺田副主任医师主讲。

4. Relevant Anatomy

When discussing pertinent TOS anatomy, three spaces of frequent neurovasculature compression are the scalene triangle, costoclavicular space, and subcoracoid space. Table 1 summarizes the borders and relevant contents of each space. The most medial of the three is the scalene triangle, which is bounded anteriorly by the anterior scalene muscle, posteriorly by the middle scalene muscle, and inferiorly by the first rib . The scalene triangle contains the trunks of the brachial plexus and the subclavian artery, while the sub-clavian vein passes beneath the anterior scalene, avoiding the compartment altogether. Structures within the scalene triangle are often compressed by anatomic variations of the scalene muscles, the presence of the scalenus minimus muscle, or osseous abnormalities such as the presence of a cervical rib .

The costoclavicular space lies between the other two spaces and is bounded anteriorly by the clavicle, posteromedially by the first rib, and posterolaterally by the scapula’s upper border . The divisions of the brachial plexus and both of the subclavian vessels traverse this compartment . Compression within this compartment may result from anatomical variation of the subclavian muscle .

Lastly, the subcoracoid space is bounded anteriorly by the pectoralis minor muscle, posteriorly by ribs 2–4, and superiorly by the coracoid process of the scapula . The subcoracoid space contains the cords of the brachial plexus, the second part of the axillary artery, and the axillary vein, and these contents may be compressed by the clavipectoral fascia or chondrocoracoidal fasciculus .





5. Clinical Presentation

The constellation of symptoms seen in true nTOS is caused by compression or irritation of brachial plexus nerves. Pain, paresthesia, and/or weakness in the distribution of affected nerve roots are the hallmarks of nTOS presentation . Compression of the lower plexus (C7-T1) elicits pain of the medial arm, forearm, and hand, paresthesia of the fourth and fifth digits, and hand weakness or loss of dexterity. Similarly, compression of the upper plexus (C5-C7) results in pain in the neck, shoulder, chest, and supraclavicular region, along with arm weakness and paresthesia of the first three digits . In broader terms, patients often complain of proximal pain associated with distal paresthesia or weakness. Reproduction of these symptoms aid in diagnosis and can be accomplished by certain maneuvers (discussed later) or by directly pressing on the affected brachial plexus . Chronic nTOS may also result in thenar, hypothenar, and interossei muscle weakness and atrophy . History of neck trauma should raise suspicion of nTOS, with motor vehicle accidents being the most common inciting incident, followed by stress due to repetitive movement, especially in athletes who practice overhead lifting . Additionally, as previously mentioned, disputed nTOS patients may present with similar symptoms of true nTOS, along with a variety of associated symptoms, including facial pain, visual or hearing disturbances, vertigo, tachycardia, and sleep disturbances . Occipital headaches are another common complaint, occurring in 76% of nTOS patients .



Compression of the subclavian vein results in the characteristic symptomatology of vTOS (also called “effort thrombosis” or Paget–Schroetter syndrome), which includes upper extremity swelling, venous engorgement, cyanosis, feelings of arm heaviness, and pain . The affected extremity is often noticeably larger than the other, and complaints of pain or heaviness are exacerbated by shoulder abduction. Symptoms are typically acute in onset with the formation of a thrombus in the subclavian vein . A history of heavy overhead lifting should raise suspicion for vTOS as a chronic venous injury is commonly the inciting cause of venous stenosis followed by thrombosis, and prompt recognition of this clinical presentation can reduce the complications of Paget–Schroetter syndrome .

While aTOS presents the least frequently, it is associated with the most dangerous clinical presentation and may present with pain and weakening of the radial pulse with large arm movement, as well as pallor, weakness, and fatigue. aTOS also commonly presents with hand or upper extremity ischemia due to distal embolization . aTOS is due to clinically evident compression of the subclavian artery and is the least common form of TOS . Although rare, aTOS is the most dangerous subtype of TOS, and patients who present with critical limb ischemia are treated immediately. aTOS patients with chronic limb ischemia should be recognized and treated in an expedited fashion to reduce potentially limb- and life-threatening complications. Physical exams should aim to identify ischemia and check for a marked discrepancy in blood pressure between the two arms . Classically, aTOS is associated with pallor, pulselessness, pain/paresthesia, and poikilothermia . A palpable pulse or audible bruit may be present in the supraclavicular area if an aneurism has formed . As with the other types of TOS, aTOS may be acquired in athletes or occupational lifters. However, it is much more commonly associated with anatomic variances, with an estimated 85% chance of occurring secondary to a cervical rib .

锁骨下静脉受压导致vTOS的特征性症状(也称为静脉血栓形成或Paget Schroetter综合征),包括上肢肿胀、静脉充血、发绀、手臂沉重感和疼痛。患肢通常明显大于另一侧,肩外展可加重了疼痛或沉重的主诉。在锁骨下静脉血栓形成时,症状通常为急性发作。由于慢性静脉损伤通常是引起静脉狭窄并发血栓形成的诱因,因此有过头举重物的患者应怀疑vTOS,及时认识这种临床表现可减少Paget-Schroetter综合征的并发症。


