时间:2017-12-02 23:29:48
以正弦信号为例,x = sin(2pi*f*t+pi),希望提取phi:
思路3:借助全相FFT(apFFT, all phase FFT)实现。
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clc ; clear all ; close all ; fs = 1e9; fo = 200e6; t = 0:1/fs:1023/fs; tao = 0.3/3e8* sind (45); SNR = 20; ch1 = awgn( sin (2* pi *t*fo),SNR) ; ch2 = awgn( sin (2* pi *t*fo + 2* pi *tao*fo),SNR); % ch1 = sin(2*pi*t*fo) ; % ch2 = sin(2*pi*t*fo + 0.5); pha = angle (hilbert(ch2))- angle (hilbert(ch1)); figure () subplot 211 plot (t*fs,pha); subplot 212 plot (t(1:512)*fs, abs ( fft (ch1(1:512))), 'r--' ); hold on; %FFT提取相位 pha1 = angle ( fft (ch1(1:512)).* fft (ch2(1:512))); figure () subplot 211 plot (t(1:512)*fs,pha1); subplot 212 plot (t(1:512)*fs, abs ( fft (ch1(1:512))), 'r--' ); hold on; %apFFT提取相位 win = hanning(512)'; win1 = conv (win,win); win1 = win1/ sum (win1); y1 = ch1(1:1023).*win1; y2 = ch2(1:1023).*win1; out1 = [0,y1(1:511)]+y1(512:1023); out2 = [0,y2(1:511)]+y2(512:1023); pha2 = angle ( fft (out1).* conj ( fft (out2))); figure () subplot 211 plot (t(1:512)*fs,pha2); subplot 212 plot (t(1:512)*fs, abs ( fft (ch1(1:512))), 'r--' ); hold on; [~,pos] = max ( abs ( fft (ch1(1:512)))); [pha2(pos) mean (pha) ;- pi + 2* pi *tao*fo 2* pi *tao*fo] theta_est = asind ((pha2(pos))/2/ pi /fo/0.3*3e8)+90; abs (theta_est-45) |
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fs = 2048; T = 100; t = 0:1/fs:T; x = 30 * cos (2* pi *110.*t) + 30 * cos (2* pi *111.45.*t) + 25* cos (2* pi *112.3*t) + 48* cos (2* pi *113.8.*t)+50* cos (2* pi *114.5.*t); [f, y] = zfft(x, 109, 115, fs); plot (f, y); function [f, y] = zfft(x, fi, fa, fs) % x为采集的数据 % fi为分析的起始频率 % fa为分析的截止频率 % fs为采集数据的采样频率 % f为输出的频率序列 % y为输出的幅值序列(实数) f0 = (fi + fa) / 2; %中心频率 N = length (x); %数据长度 r = 0:N-1; b = 2* pi *f0.*r ./ fs; x1 = x .* exp (-1j .* b); %移频 bw = fa - fi; B = fir1(32, bw / fs); %滤波 截止频率为0.5bw x2 = filter (B, 1, x1); c = x2(1: floor (fs/bw):N); %重新采样 N1 = length (c); f = linspace (fi, fa, N1); y = abs ( fft (c)) ./ N1 * 2; y = circshift (y, [0, floor (N1/2)]); %将负半轴的幅值移过来 end |
参考:Digital Receiver-based Electronic Intelligence System Configuration for the Detection and Identification of Intrapulse Modulated Radar Signals
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