【火腿快新闻】人物 | 2015 ARRL国际人道主义奖获得者 Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM

Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM, to Receive 2015 ARRL International Humanitarian Award

Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM, 获得2015 ARRL国际人道主义奖

The winner of the 2015 ARRL International Humanitarian Award – Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM – has been active as a volunteer with the non-governmental organization Radioaficionados Sin Fronteras (RSF), Radio Amateurs Without Borders, that stresses the importance of radio in projects involving groups of geographically separated collaborators.

Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM ——2015 ARRL国际人道主义奖获得者,他做为一名志愿者长期服务于NGO组织Radioaficionados Sin Fronteras (RSF),RSF是一个业余无线电爱好者无国界组织,该组织强调电台在不同区域的团体合作项目的重要性。

Gonzalez has made six visits to the Bolivian Amazon in support of Soliidaridad Médica España, an NGO that works to bring sanitation and medical assistance to places in need around the world. He’s also been instrumental in the building, testing, and maintenance of solar-powered HF Amateur Radio stations in remote locations in Bolivia on behalf of RSF since 2007, to facilitate communication into the remote locations he visits.

Gonzalez曾六次深入玻利维亚的亚马逊保护区支持Soliidaridad Médica España,该NGO组织致力于将卫生和医疗支援带到世界各地需要的地方。2007年,他也代表RSF在玻利维亚贫困地区参与太阳能HF业余无线电基地的建设、测试和保养工作,该无线电基地方便了贫困地区的通讯交流。

The ARRL Programs & Services Committee recommended Gonzalez for the award at the ARRL Board of Directors annual meeting in mid-January.

“What a surprise!” was Gonzalez’s reaction when learning he would be the recipient of the award. “I have not words to express myself.” Gonzalez said the only aim of his group’s volunteer efforts is to improve the lives of others.

ARRL项目和服务委员会推荐Gonzalez 在一月中旬的ARRL董事会年会上进行授奖。Gonzalez说:“这是一个多大的惊喜啊!当得知获得此项荣誉时,我激动得无法自已。“ 他表示他唯一目标是志愿小组能够致力于改善别人的生活。

Gonzalez was nominated by Paul Ewing, N6PSE, the president of the Intrepid-DX Group.

Gonzalez 由 Intrepid-DX Group主席Paul Ewing, N6PSE提名。

“I have known Antonio, EA5RM, since 2010. He is a devoted family man and public servant in Spain. He is a keen DXer, and he regularly organizes DXpeditions to remote and rare places. Antonio pays for all of this travel from Spain to Bolivia,” Ewing wrote. “Given his many missions in support of the large humanitarian project, I feel that Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM, is worthy of this nomination for the 2015 ARRL Humanitarian Award.

Ewing表示,他2010年就认识Antonio, EA5RM,他是一个顾家好男人,在西班牙当公务员,作为DX的狂热爱好者,他经常组织DX远征到贫困和偏远地区。此次Antonio自付从西班牙到玻利维亚的所有费用,Ewing在提名材料上写到Antonio的很多任务都支持了大型的人道主义项目,他觉得Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM,获得提名实至名归。

Ewing is a co-leader of the VP8STI/VP8SGI DXpedition to South Sandwich and South Georgia, and Gonzalez has served as Chief Pilot Station for the DXpedition.

Ewing是VP8STI/VP8SGI 远征南桑威治和南乔治亚岛的领头人,Gonzalez 作为首席引航站为此次远征提供服务。




