实在想不通为什么“喜欢作者”会是“Reply by author”,Like the author 也比它强啊......
Kudos to the Author 还不错,不过这里的 Author 并不用大写,难道是为了兼顾美观让 Kudos 和 Author 看起来更对称,故意这么做?
为啥叫 Kudos 呢?我们来复习下一年前的文章:《微信官方是如何翻译“赞赏”的?》。
可能是词汇量比较大,微信官方把“赞赏”译成了三个版本。赞赏的英文是“reward”,例如赞赏功能是“Reward”,赞赏设置是“reward settings”。
“接受用户赞赏”并没有被译为“Accept rewards from users”,而是"Accept kudos from users";“文章赞赏须知”中,“赞赏”又被译为了“bounties”。
reward: 奖励;奖赏;A reward is something that you are given, for example because you have behaved well, worked hard, or provided a service to the community.
kudos: 因行为或成就而获得的荣誉,赞誉,名声;Kudos is admiration or recognition that someone or something gets as a result of a particular action or achievement.
注意 kudos 本身就自带 s,是不可数名词。常用表达是 kudos to...和上面说的 give something the thumbs-up 差不多。例如 Kudos to Eric. Kudos to everyone who helped.
Bounty: 大量提供的东西;慷慨的赠予;You can refer to something that is provided in large amounts as bounty.
Bounty may mean generosity in general, or the gift given as a favour, a rather formal use: The land’s bounty passed all expectation.
一年多了,选来选去,微信终于注意到“喜欢作者”的翻译,并选了 Kudos。这难道就是微信的反复推敲的匠人精神?
最后再提个细节:Kudos to the Author 下面有“like(s)”,中文是“喜欢”。不过在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上,like/likes 都是“点赞”,而微信取消了点赞(变成了“好看”,译成“wow”),这样设置会不会不够清楚?
like(s) 下面是赞赏作者的读者头像,赞赏的人用英文可以说成 patron,它的中英释义是:艺术家、作家和音乐家等的赞助人,资助人;A patron is a person who supports and gives money to artists, writers, or musicians.