
Module  3单词


computer [kəm'pju:tə]  n. 计算机;电脑

furniture ['fɜ:nitʃə]  n. 家具

map [mæp]  n. 地图

picture ['piktʃə]  n.  图片;相片

television ['teliviʒ(ə)n] n.电视;电视机

wall [wɔ:l]  n.墙

thirty ['θɜ:ti]  num  三十

forty ['fɔ:ti]  num  四十

fifty ['fifti]  num  五十

sixty ['siksti]  num  六十

seventy ['sev(ə)nti]  num  七十

eighty ['eiti]  num  八十

ninety ['nainti]  num

really ['riəli]  num九十

many ['meni]  adj.  许多,很多

how many   多少

there [ðeə; ðə]  pron.(用于引导句子的主语)

lot [lɒt]  n.大量;许多

a lot of 大量;许多

oh [əʊ]  int.  唉,嗷

any ['eni]  adj.  任何一个;一些

world [wɜ:ld]  n.世界

tree [tri:]  n. 树(木)

building ['bildiŋ]  n.建筑物

hall [hɔ:l]   n. 大厅;会堂

dining hall  n. 饭厅 ,饭堂

gate [geit]   n. 大门

library ['laibrəri; -bri]  n.图书馆

office ['ɒfis]  n. 办公室

playground ['pleigraʊnd]  n.操场

science ['saiəns]  n.科学;科学课

lab [læb]  n.实验室

behind [bi'haind]  prep 在……后面

between [bi'twi:n]  prep 在……之间

middle ['mid(ə)l]  n.中间;之间

near [niə]  prep 靠近;接近

with [wið] prep.与……在一起;和;具有(品质、特征)

for  [fɔ:; fə]  prep  为, 为了

room  [ru:m; rʊm]  n.房间;室;屋子


Module 3 Unit 1 

Module 3 Unit 2 



1.a lot of furniture 大量的教学设施;大量的家具

2.on everyone’s desk 在每个人的课桌上

on the teacher’s desk 在讲桌上

3.on the wall 在墙上

4.at/in the front of...... 在.....前面(内部)

5.a map of the world 一张世界地图

a map of China 一张中国地图

6.in the dining hall 在食堂里

7.at the school gate 在校门口

8.on/in the playground 在操场上

9.a science lab 一个科学实验室

10.a sports hall 一个体育馆

11.an office building 一幢办公楼

12.a classroom building 一幢教学大楼

13.in the science building 在科学楼里

14.five computer rooms 五间微机室

15.in the middle of...... 在......的中间

16.on the left of...... 在......的左边

17.between the library and the dining hall 在图书馆和食堂之间

18.be for....... 用于......; 为......准备的


1.What’s your classroomlike? 你的教室怎样?

It’s really big. 它真的很大

2.How many students are there in your class?你班上有多少学生?

There are forty-four students in my class.我班上有44位学生。

3.There aren’t any computers in our classroom.


4.Are there any computers on everyone’s desk ?


Yes, there are some. ( No, there aren’t any.) 是的,有(不,没有。)

5.What’s in your classroom? 你教室里有什么?

There is a lot of furniture.有大量的教学设备。

6.There isa map and some pictures on the walls


=Thereare some pictures and a map on the walls.

7.Gao Yan’s between Zhao feng and Li Min.


8.In the middle of the school is a bigplayground.


=A big playground is in the middle of theschool.

9.Where is the library? 图书馆在哪里?

It’s nextto the science lab. 它在科学楼的旁边。


1.There be句型(某地有某物)


3.注意There be 和have/has got 的区别

4. 数词的表达


假设你是美国男孩 Tom,请根据下列表格写一篇英语短文, 记叙你一天的生活。


My name is Tom. I 'm an American boy. I get up at six'o clock  in the morning . I have breakfast at six fifty. I go to school at seven fifteen. Our class starts at five past eight. I  have lunch at  twelve. I go to Miss  Li 's home at  half  past five  in  the afternoon. I go home at a quarter to seven. I have dinner at seven ten in the

evening. I watch TV at half past eight. I go to bed at nine forty.

