
Fossils trapped in amber have been among paleontology's most fascinating finds in recent years -- globs of hardened ancient tree resin have captured tantalizing details about spiders, lizards, microscopic animals, insects, birds and even a tiny dinosaur that are often missing from fossils found in rock.


However, all these creatures were land lubbers that you might expect to encounter on a tree trunk or branch.


Now, scientists have found the oldest aquatic animal preserved in amber -- and it's the most complete crab fossil ever discovered.


"The specimen is spectacular, it is one of a kind. It's absolutely complete and is not missing a single hair on the body, which is remarkable," said Javier Luque, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University, in a news release.


He was the lead author of the study that published Thursday in the journal Science Advances.


The Chinese, US and Canadian scientists working on the amber specimen, which originated from northern Myanmar, named the tiny crab Cretapsara athanata.

来自缅甸北部的中国、美国和加拿大科学家正在研究琥珀标本,命名为小螃蟹Cretapsara athanata。

The name references the Cretaceous, the dinosaur-era period during which this crab lived, and Apsara, a spirit of the clouds and waters in South and Southeast Asian mythology.


The species name is based on "athanatos," which means immortal in Greek, referring to its lifelike preservation in amber.


In looks, the 100-million-year-old creature superficially resembles crabs that scuttle around shores today.


Computerized tomography scans revealed delicate body parts like antennae, gills and fine hairs on the mouth parts.


The creature was only 5 millimeters long and likely a baby crab.


The researchers think that Cretapsara was neither a marine crab nor completely land dwelling.


They think it would have lived in fresh water, or perhaps brackish water, on the forest floor.


It was also possible, they said, that it was migrating onto land like the famous red Christmas Island crabs that release their babies into the ocean and later swarm back onto land.


While the oldest crab fossils date back to the Jurassicperiod more than 200 million years ago, fossils of non-marine crabs are sparse and largely incomplete.


The researchers said that Cretapsara proves that crabs made the leap from the sea to land and fresh water during the dinosaur era, not during the mammal era, as previously thought, pushing the evolution of non-marine crabs much farther back in time.


