

Sheet mulching for gardens is a technique which has been described by many people, with as many variations. It is my favourite technique as it gets you going immediately, without the back-breaking workof digging the soil for beds. You can stafi on almost any type of soil, except for those leached-out, rock-hard soils looking and feelin-e very much like concrete. With these, you build boxes ui off the ground and cart in earth and compost n.raterials to fill them.
庭园的面状覆盖技术许多人已经描述过了,有许多种类。这是我喜爱的技术,因为它立竿见影,无需人们费力开掘土壤来做种植床。你几乎可以在任何一种类型的土壤上开始种植,但淋溶土和坚硬得看起来非常像混凝土的土壤除外。对这些土壤,你要在地面上修造种植箱, 并用土和天然肥料来将其填充。
Sheet mulching suppresses all weeds: ivy,onion and spear tultch, kiku,vu and buffalo grass. docks. dandeiions, oxalis, onion weed and even blackberries. The important thing is to fill up the area with plants, according to the prior plantingplan you have workedoutonpaper, and to totally cover the area with mulch. For that reason, start with an area of about 4 square meffes, and branch out as time and materials permit. Your first attempt should be very close to the house, preferably starting from a foun-dation or path which is itself weed-free. Thus, you are protected from an invasion of weeds from the rear.
First, plant any large trees or shrubs. It is easier to plant these now than to dig through rhe mulch layer at a later date. Next, sprinkle the area with a bucket of dolomite (and gypsum. if the ground is particularly clayey), and chicken manure or blood and bone (to add nitrogen ro start the process of reducing the carbon in the following layers). A bucket or two of compost scraps can also be scattered. for the riorms. If you have a source of weed-seedi' ha1' or like material, place this also over the area.
Don't bother to dig. level. or ueed. Now,proceed to tile and overlap the area with sheet mulch material. This can be cardboard, wallboard, newspaper, old carpet (non-s)'nthetic), underfelt and anything that u ill eventually break down and provide nuLrients for p I ants. Cover the area completely, leaving no holes for weeds to poke through. If you have a valuabie tree or shrub in the way, tear paper halfu av across and pull it around the stem. Serve another. at right-angles to the first. Go on, leaving onll,valuable plants with their stems and leaves poking out.

Water this layer well; it will starr the processes going. Then apply a7.5cm iayerof either (or mixed) horse-stable straw; poultry manure in sawdust; leaf mould orraked leaves; SeagÍass or seaweed.
好好浇灌该层,它将是整个过程的开始。然后铺上7.5厘米厚的在马棚使用过的秸秆、带家禽肥料的锯木屑、树叶土堆或收集好的叶片、 海草或海藻,或是上述各种物质的混合物。
All of these contain essential elements, and hold water well. Follow these with dry, weedseed-free material on top, of at least 15cm of pine or casuarina needles; rice husks; nut shells; cocoa bean husks; leaf mould o,'raked leaves; seagrass; dry straw (not hay); bark, chips, or sawdust or any of these mixed.
Water until fairly well soaked. Now, take large seeds (beans, peas), tubers (potato, sunroot), small plants (herbs, tomato, celery, lettuce, cabbage) and small potted plants. Set them out as follows:
With yourhand, burrowdown a small hole to the base of the loose top mulch. Punch or slit a hole in the paper, carpet, etc. with an old axe or knife. Place a double handful of earth in this hoie, and push in the seed or tuber, or plant the small seedling in it. For seeds and tubers, pull the mulch back over. For seedlings, hold the leaves softly in one hínd, and bring the mulch up to the base of the plant.
If you must use small seed, do it this way: Pull back the mulch in a row; lay down a line of sand, or fine soil, and sow small seeds of radish, carrot, etc. Water, and cover with a naÍTow board for a few days, or until the seeds have sprouted (or sprout them first on damp paper). Then remove the board and draw mulch up as the tops grow.
Root crops do not do well in the first year, as the soil below is still compacted and there may be too much manure. Plant daikon radish, whose 30-60 cm root will begin to break up the compacted ground. Plant most root crops in the second year (or dig a separate bed for them), when it is only necessary to pull back the loose top mulch to reveal a layer of fine dark soil.
By the end of the first summer, the soil is revolutionised, and will contain hundreds of worrns and soil bacteria. Just add a little top mulch to keep levels up, usually a mix of chips, bark, pine needles, and hay. Scatter some lime or blood and bone.
在第一个夏天结束的时候,土壤已经发生了根本性的变化,其中包含了数以百计的蚯蚓和土壤细菌。只需在土壤上加一点点表面覆盖物, 通常是木片、树皮、杉木针和干草的混合物来保持覆盖物水平,再撒一些石灰或血骨肥。
Annual plants need occasional fresh mulch after harvesu their outer leaves are "tucked under" the mulch layer, as are all your food wastes from the kitchen. Worms are so active that the leaves and peelings disappear overnight. Leather boots take a little longer, old jeans a week or so, and dead ducks a few days。
In the first year, you need to water fairly frequently, as the layer of fungal hyphae and plants at the base of the mulch are slow to develop. As in normal gardening, all newly-planted seedlings need water initially.
There is no need to rotate plants in this system, or to rest the ground. Potatoes are simply placed on top of the old mulch, and remulched. There is no need to leave room to hoe or dig either, so plants may be stacked much more closely, and preferably in mixed beds rather than in strict rows.
By frequent and random replanting, the garden u'ill start to assume the healthy appearance of a mixed herbal pasture. This diversity of plants act as hosts for a range of insects, frogs, and birds and is a major factor in successful pest control。
Some strong weeds may force through' Push the weed down in the mulch, put damp paperon its head, cover with saq'dust. If 10% of the kikuyu or twitch comes up' sheet with paper and cover with mulch. All eventually die out under this treatment, leaving the area clear of weeds; only ,vour plants have their heads in the air' Another ploy is to dig up dock roots, bury kitchen scraps there, and re-mulch.
Never bury sawdust or woodchips; just put them on top where atmospheric nitrogen breaks down the wood. Worms add sufficient manure to supply the base manure. Keep the mulch loose, don't let it mat, and thus mix lawn clippings or sawdust with stiff dry material like chips or pine needles, bark, etc.

上述这些梦想好像农夫才能办到?真的,在都市生活的你,也可以轻松做到!全部的答案,都在《懒人农法 第1次全图解:与自然共生的朴门设计》这本书中。
1. Introductíon to PpnvrAcrJLTIJR——Bill Mollison
2.The Instant Garden——Bill Mollison
3.Conacher, J., Pests, Predators & Pesticides (some alternatives to synthetic pesticides), Organic Growers Association W.A., 1980
4.Dean, Ester , Ester Dean Gardening Book ( growing without diggíng), Harper & Row, 19
5.French, Jackie, Organic Control of Common Weeds, Aird Books, 1989
6.French, Jackie, The Organic Garden Doctor, Angus & Robertson, 1988
7.Johns, Leslie & Violet Stevenson, Fruitfor the Home and Carden, Angus & Robertson,1979. (Out of print; try the library).
8.Francis, Robyn, Ma ndal a G ar de ns B o o kl et (w ith video), 1990, Mandala Gardens, PO Box 185, Lismore Heights, NSW 2480.
9.Kourik, Robert, Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally, Metamorphic Press, 1986. (PO Box 1841, Santa Rosa, cA95402, USA)

