20170105 长难句每日一句





Taken to an extreme,this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts.


句子主干为“主谓宾”= this theory /maintains /that our behavior is predetermined.


1. taken to an extreme 为v-ed形式状语,= if this theory is taken to an extreme, 译为:“极端的是”或“从极端的角度来看”

2. to such a degree 的原形为to a degree 表:在某种程度上.

3. such … that …译为:如此……以至于。其中that引导结果状语从句


taken to an extreme 极端的是,

theory n. 理论

maintain vt. 维持;继续;维修;主张;

predetermine vt. 预先设定,预先确定

govern vt. 管理,支配,统治

instinct n. 本能







  1. 戳--》再见2016

  2. 戳--》2017我的愿望

  3. 戳--》 怎么就能考上研



20170104 长难句每日一句

20170103 长难句每日一句

20170102 长难句每日一句

20170101 长难句每日一句



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