“He lives in the country.”这句话不可以翻译为“他住在这个国家”,如果要表达此意,应为:He lives in this country. the country“the country”通常指“农村,乡下”。它是“town”的对语,相当于“countryside”。“this country”则是“本国”或“这个国家”的意思。
(the country=countryside)①He has gone to the country to recruit.他到乡间休养去了。②He is fresh from the country.他刚从乡下回来。③ We have just come back from the country.我们刚从农村回来。④They are going down the country next week.下星期他们将去乡下
I often tell my daughter: “You may live in America,but your country is China.”我常常对我的女儿说:“尽管你住在美国,但是你的祖国是中国。
① The hills by the lake were blue,violet and emerald.湖边山上,青一块,紫一块,绿一块。——《儒林外史》②Some deciduous trees,whose names they did not know, were already breaking into leaf as if hung about with a grey-green mist through which they glimpsed the darker emerald of pine and cypress.不知名的落叶树上,已经吐出来新芽,一望好像灰绿的轻烟,其间夹着松柏,在朦胧中仍然显得很青翠。——《采薇》
①During the small hours,all was dark expect for the amber of the morning light.在凌晨的时候,除了淡黄色的晨光外,一切都笼罩在黑暗中。②I like to watch the red and gold of the woods in autumn.我喜欢观看秋季树林中那艳红和金黄。
4Can he change his nature?他这个人是本性难移!这句话不能翻译成:他能否改变他的本性?这种说法和我们汉语中的反问句很相似,称其为:“修辞性问句”(rhetorical question)。这种问句语意明确,语势强烈,在翻译时不能和一般的疑问句一样翻译,需要把说话者的语气表达出来。
①How could he raise such a question?这种问题亏他问得出口!②Why should you go to the theater with him?你不必和他去看戏!③Won’t I just love it?难道我愿意吗!?④Why not?可以呀!(行呀!好呀!)⑤Isn’t it funny?这事太可笑了!⑥What business is it of yours?这事和你有什么关系!⑦Can the leopard change his spots?花豹身上的斑点是改变不了的。——一个人的本性难移