近日,西安交通大学基础医学院教授侯玉柱与美国芝加哥大学医学中心合作,在肿瘤放疗及免疫治疗领域取得重要进展。相关成果以“Radiotherapy and immunotherapy converge on elimination of tumor-promoting erythroid progenitor cells through adaptive immunity”为题,于2021年2月24日在线发表在《科学转化医学》上(影响因子为16.304)。

合作团队研究发现放疗及免疫治疗显著抑制肿瘤造成的成红细胞在脾脏的累积。这一抑制作用的主要机制是放疗及免疫治疗分别通过一型干扰素、CD8 T细胞和干扰素γ诱导脾脏成红细胞凋亡。反过来,成红细胞及其分泌的Artemin通过提高肿瘤细胞的治疗抵抗降低放疗及免疫治疗对肿瘤生长的控制效果。同时,合作团队证实脾脏摘除、成红细胞剔除、中和Artemin以及抑制RET受体均可显著提高肿瘤放疗及免疫治疗的治疗效果。该项研究揭示了抑制肿瘤病理条件下髓外造血作用的方法及其免疫学机制,并为提高肿瘤放疗及免疫治疗效果提供了多个潜在靶点。

论文共同通讯作者、芝加哥大学放射与细胞 肿瘤 学主席Ralph Weichselbaum博士说,这些研究结果鉴定出的几种靶标可能“潜在地改善放疗和免疫治疗后的结果。这些方法的前景是令人兴奋的”。 这项研究使用动物模型和来自三组不同患者的样本,这些患者分别接受了放疗和化疗的联合治疗、免疫治疗和放射免疫治疗,用于治疗包括肺癌和 黑色素瘤 在内的各种癌症。
Tumor-induced CD45−Ter119+CD71+ erythroid progenitor cells, termed “Ter cells,” promote tumor progression by secreting artemin (ARTN), a neurotrophic peptide that activates REarranged during Transfection (RET) signaling. We demonstrate that both local tumor ionizing radiation (IR) and anti–programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) treatment decreased tumor-induced Ter cell abundance in the mouse spleen and ARTN secretion outside the irradiation field in an interferon- and CD8+ T cell–dependent manner. Recombinant erythropoietin promoted resistance to radiotherapy or anti–PD-L1 therapies by restoring Ter cell numbers and serum ARTN concentration. Blockade of ARTN or potential ARTN signaling partners, or depletion of Ter cells augmented the antitumor effects of both IR and anti–PD-L1 therapies in mice. Analysis of samples from patients who received radioimmunotherapy demonstrated that IR-mediated reduction of Ter cells, ARTN, and GFRα3, an ARTN signaling partner, were each associated with tumor regression. Patients with melanoma who received immunotherapy exhibited favorable outcomes associated with decreased expression of GFRα3. These findings demonstrate an out-of-field, or “abscopal,” effect mediated by adaptive immunity, which is induced during local tumor irradiation. This effect, in turn, governs the therapeutic effects of radiation and immunotherapy. Therefore, our results identify multiple targets to potentially improve outcomes after radiotherapy and immunotherapy.