Dear baby || A Letter to my Son - anonymous mother






Dear baby,
        Every night, I feel amazed that you, as a nine-year-old boy, still find comfort and happiness sleeping in my arms. The feeling of protecting you overwhelms me while I dream of all life has in store for you. For you, I am the most important person in your life and I am sure you cannot imagine a life without your mother.

As I hold you in my arms, I can’t help but think how time has flown by so fast. I reminisce  about the time before you came into this world. I think about how my life has changed from the time before I knew about you to the time I knew you were coming. After knowing that you would enter my life, I had spent the many months imagining what you would be like. Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like mommy or daddy? Would you be naughty or nice? There were just so many questions I had!

Every day was filled with such anticipation! And after a long ten months, my questions can finally begin to be answered. How excited I was at that very moment when I could meet you! You are the gift that God gave to me! I held you so tightly in my arms while you were still sleeping soundly, just as you are now.

After three days, you finally opened your eyes to see this fantastic world. That day my mother came to see me and you smiled to her. I was amazed at how light you were. I stared at your tiny little body, so fragile that a gust of wind could have swept you up into the air like a kite.

My boy, you are almost ten now, and every day that passes you mature and soon, very soon, you will not depend on your mother anymore. But as of now, right now….. you are still my young boy, and I would like to think that you still depend on me.


One day I asked you what would you do when you grow up and eventually get married? Your answer made me laugh and yet brought tears to my eyes. You said rather stoically, "When I grow up, you can hold me AND my wife in your arms every night!" Oh… how I wish that could be true!

Oh, my baby, you are the sunshine in my life! Up to now, I am still the most important person in your life! But I know as you grow up, as you get married and have your own family, as you work and live to have a better life, this will inevitably change. I will eventually become less important in your life…. But that is ok because you will always be the most important in my life.






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