Something about PU/TE) invitation letter

Something about PU/TE) invitation letter from the foreign affair office PRC.
Invitation Letter (PU/TE)
Two types of Invitation Letter(PU/TE)
Employment Purpose
You find a job in Shenzhen or your previous work permit and residence permit expired. You need to apply invitation letter from Foreign Affairs Office.
Business Purpose
You come to China for business purpose( visit factory, senior executive in a Shenzhen company without work permit, attend fairs, ect.).
It’s hard to apply for business purpose if you are not the executive of the company.
PU/TE letter application procedure:
1. Submit an application in system
2. Make an appointment and submit all documents.
3. Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office will submit the documents to Shenzhen Epidemic Prevention and Control Command and Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office.
4. Download Invitation Letter in system.

Documents Needed for PU/TE letter :
1. Application report.
2. Application Form, download from system.
3. Business license;
4. Basic company information;
5. Company tax declaration certificate for 2019;
6.Work plan for epidemic prevention and control.
7. Informed confirmation letter signed by the invitee.
8. Passport photocopy of the invitee.
9. Notification Letter of work permit or work permit card(employment purpose).
10. Other supporting documents

the processing time of PU/TE letter application:
About 8-13 working days



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