
05/06/2021 just received Rehab medicine specialists company sent 1st bill statmenet $327 for 4/21 4/23 visiting my spouse at hospital which didn't show haumana insurance coveraged i'm in panic immediately called 3 companies (another is home service). Humana told me:
1. the rehab should file claimed to insurance company after pay the coverage then send bill to patient to pay copay.
2. the rehab not in humana system listing (yet?)
3. contact the company 1st before we contact SHIP to verify whether they didn't have patient's humana insurance information and request them to send claim to Humana.
so i contacted and was told discard the bill statement, they are in network and already have humana information.
i appologied to home service(help spouse exercise at home and nurse visiting).
spouse also explained before 2 days(a week?) he got medicare was told by Edward Hospital no worry all covered(spouse just ended contracy job with no insurance) and took care even i kept ask them if spouse not in life danger we would like to wait until get medicare to come back or visit doctors. the hospital did many lab tests ignored my kept begging. just for one night we paied $5700? and found nothing.  ps after i posted the mistreated lab tests Obama finally only gave patients rights to cancel MRI lab test.
they are others especially rehab related companies this and that fraud cost us lots
the psycho stole most our medical related documents so i can't verify how much we were charged before spouse got medicare in Edwrad hospital. And whether we duplicated paied including rehab companies because many bill statements sent to us without insurance paied informations and millions phone called to threaten us to pay the bills. we never get a bit reduced charges but paied in full. the only one company allowed to pay full within 90? days as 3 pay checks.

Humana/medicare provider did good jobs not like private companies and Obama offered insurance that anything went wrong it is patient duties to pay whatever charged by hospital/clinic/lab tests.
the rehab medicine specialists has 2 different name when i called found out. scares me.
one of rehab companies has 2 codes and sent wrong one to my insurance company i ended to pay all charges because not in insurance listing and won't help me a bit at all.

the rehab company another name on phone is radio? xxx.
Believe me usa many companies including hospital/clinic, doctors are all sharks. Medicare is the only one can get SHIP help. after Edward hospital we became SHIP member to help others (for short time) till my spouse got job who worked till 69 because the huge medical debts made him postpone retired.

為何我會call home service 至少四次確認 該公司是否 in network 及已得到醫保授權?因為過去出院後必需先看 primary 醫生經其 referal 及必需收到醫保郵件認可(通常會刪減次數)才能到復健門診做復健 這次是醫院安排的 也沒收到醫保郵件就開始 一直無比擔憂 先生也一再告知醫院過去做復健的流程我也兩次與醫保聯絡 但仍害怕不已 因為經歷過慘痛的代價 醫保告知系統尚未顯示但可以要求 home service 公司提供 authorized code 該公司稱已得到authorized code 但不便提供 僅答復是 in network 絕對符合條款 所以一收到 Rehab medicine specialists company 帳單我就嚇壞啦就馬上又確認一次(轉了三次電話最後説是六月 我急的説五月就已開始 於是要與來到我家的復健師溝通但他們決定不在我家談已免影響復健工作 所以我還是心理七上八下)不過母親出院後也曾馬上得到 home service那時我們還沒發生慘痛的經歷加上母親有藍白卡(medicare/medicad) 完全不用驚怕 也可能是不同醫保公司

如今的medicare 甜甜圈洞很大更加搞不懂流程是什麼 是否改變 不同醫保公司也會不同的

ps 更正 五月就已開始 應改為 04/25/2021 (04/19/21 入院 04/23/21出院)

5/25/2021先生在醫院做復健3次時(下床行走)該復健師讓先生左腳套上支架行走 先生感覺有幫助可以正常行走 以前復健師也建議過卻沒提供支架行走 但primary醫生認為有害沒同意 今日先生去見primary醫生很渴望能得到同意並協助申請 卻被告知這不是她分內工作 復健師建議則應由復健師向醫保申請

返家後聯絡醫保又被告知必需經由primary醫生同意 剛才接到醫保問卷調查 雖然我會強烈推薦該醫保公司(4分 滿分為5)但不確定也沒信心 服務員告知的答案 搞不懂流程是最大的問題

6/2/2021收到醫院帳單$600但只有顯示 account number 4/19-4/23/2021 total $78,799.34 insurance payments $6016.34 total adjustments $72,183 patient owe $600由於擔心是否還有別的帳單要付 會不會重複已經付給 4/23 professional 醫生 $25 copay( 另外出院後複診5/17 5/28)...該醫院提供線上查詢但根本無法register/logn in 起先被告知是 emergency/ICU room 病房費$120/day 與當初被告知7?pm 前 從emergency room轉到普通病房不用付$120 算是$20/天(20天後 $184/天) 先生的確是個人病房(當時也奇怪還以為超過70歲的優惠或者病人太少)但絕非是 ICU room 於是打給醫保並告知過去線上可看到明細各項的copay現在$600沒有説明 先生當日沒開刀且轉移非ICU room 服務員同意寄寄給我明細(與線上不同5-7天)該醫院也同意寄明細並免罰(due date 6/10) 下次對轉移病房會更謹慎

ps ICU rooms are staffed with a higher nursing staffing ratio, typically one nurse to two rooms, and a premium is placed on patient visibility. Units are often constructed in such a manner that all patients can be under continuous observation from the central-nursing station, either directly or using cameras. Patients are individually monitored with a variety of bedside physiologic monitors, and ICU rooms are designed to have redundant gas and electric sources.

ps 6/29/2021 4/19-4/23 total we paied $600+$25 (for heart doctor to examine the heart equip recording data)obviously $600 is for 4/19-4/23 non-ICU room. that's ok.

as for physical theorpist tried to apply "VO for patient to be fitted for AFO on left leg" for my spouse, today we finally figure out it is my spouse left leg problem called as drop foot. And we found  AliMed sell the support lifting toes $70.7(C-50  Heavy-Duty AFO, Left, medium #6625) while Amazon similar $35. his current Foot doctor estimated $1300 (Humana would cover 80% base on humana price, my spouse would end to pay $1300-humana pays, a high risk to patient) so we decide order from Amazonwhich showing 80% fit, if not fit can allow return. AliMed if product returns only refund 80%. Spouse doctor did tell spouse directly buy the equip but he didn't know what the name to search. until i searched it by "VO for patient to be fitted for AFO on left leg". you see that is the problem patient didn't know VO, AFO means.

