Dr.Yuan Chat Diamonds: CVD Diamonds for Industrial Use

Mankind has always hoped to use lab-grown diamonds for various industrial purposes. Up to now, only the hardness of the small particles of diamond abrasive grown by HPHT has been used as a super-hard material to make various abrasive tools for grinding and polishing. However, in the aspects of sound, optic, chemical, electron, thermal, a large area of single crystal diamond flake materials are still being developed and not actually used.

It was first grown into a polycrystalline diamond plate or diamond film by CVD several decades ago. Because the surface is a rough polycrystalline structure and it is difficult to polish, it has not been widely used. After about year 2000, it began to grow in a new way. Single crystal CVD lab-grown diamonds grow upward on flat seed plates and can be made into larger areas, but their cost is too high to be mass-produced, and they are used in commercial industry at a low enough price. So, it hasn't really been used extensively so far.

▲ Single crystal diamond splicing wafer

Our research direction:

  1. Boron-doped CVD polycrystalline films and sheets are used as electrodes for water treatment, as water purification treatment, eliminating organic organisms and heavy metals in the water, purification of precious metal tailings, desalination of seawater, refining valuable metals in seawater, and decomposing water into hydrogen and Oxygen can decompose a large amount of deuterium and tritium by increasing the voltage, which can be used as a raw material for nuclear fusion.

  2. Diamond soaking plate has great demand for heat dissipation of high-power chips and electronic devices, but the current price is too high. Only military products have a small demand. The price must be reduced to 1/10 of the current price before commercial products are Affordable to use.

  3. Diamond LED ultrashort wave PN junction emits light, diamond wafer is grown on diamond with positive and negative semiconductors to produce 215nm LED light, which is used for ultra-high-power LED light, making sterilization tools, ultra-strong lasers for cutting tools, long-distance killing weapons, and making the most critical light source for lithography machines for the semiconductor industry.

  4. Diamond wafer splicing method makes CVD large-area single crystal wafers. As LED and semiconductor chip substrates, it can completely solve the heat dissipation problem and utilize the super excellent physical and chemical properties of diamond, which will make the human semiconductor industry to enter the ultimate fourth-generation wafer material, solves the problem that mankind has reached the limit of using silicon wafers.

The commercial use of CVD diamonds in industry will gradually mature in the next few years, and the demand will be ten to one hundred times the share of jewelry diamonds. The lab-grown diamonds, especially CVD diamonds, is now a maturing sunrise enterprise. In the future, there is great room for development in jewelry diamonds and industrial heat dissipation, semiconductors, high-end electronics, autopilots, quantum computers, high-end lasers..., will be the beginning of a new era, which will last for more than a hundred years.


Joe Chih-Chung Yuan, Ph.D. from Sun yat-sen university, Director of Henan Godiam New Material Technology Co., Ltd. Engaged in diamond cutting , identification, researching teaching and growing for more than 44 years. Currently engaged in diamond jewellery cutting, high temperature high pressure(HPHT), chemical vapor deposition (CVD) single crystal, polycrystalline diamonds growing, application researching and production. Established laboratories and diamond cutting and growing factories in New York, Taipei, and Zhengzhou.

- Obtained the GIA Graduated Gemologist G.G.
- Obtained the D.G.A diamond membership and tutor qualification of British Gem-A.
- Dozens of new diamond design patterns and invention patents in various countries around the world
-In 2009, became a delegate of the International Gemmological Conference(IGC), the highest gemmologjcal conference in the world.
- Hundreds of presentations and dozens of papers in Chinese and English in professional journals in various countries.
-  Publication: "Diamond Researching" was published in New York, USA in 1999.

May the DiamondSpectator®️ be with you.

