雅思口语 适合回答types of 的形容词
Tell me about the different types of public transport in your city.
Opening phrase:
Sure,obviously.../ well, actually.../ Of course, you know.../ Ok, certainly.../ Of course, it goes without saying...
Then use one of the following:
There's quite a mixed variety of.../ There's quite a wide range of.../ There's a fairly broad range of.../ There's quite an extensive diversity of.../ There's quite a diverse mixture of...
Now use the following structure to introduce the first type:
But I guess the most + adj...would probably be.../ However, I suppose the most +adj...could possibly be.../ Though I think the most+ adj... would potentially be.../Yet I imagine the most+adj... may well be.../ Still, I suspect that the most +adj... could perhaps be...
1 widely-used 普遍使用的
2 hip 新潮的
3 best-selling 最畅销的
4 commonplace 平凡的
5 trendy 时髦的
6 widely-known 有名的
7 conventional 传统的
8 with-it 时新的
9 customary 习惯的
10 influential 有影响的
11 prevalent 流行的
12 notorious 声名狼藉的
13 crucial 至关重要的
14 prominent 显著的
15 widespread 普遍的
16 celebrated 著名的
17 commonly-used 常用的
18 commonly-known 众所周知的
19 notable 著名的
20 renowned 有名的