

Unit 1 What’s he like?do 动词原形;  does 动词三单  do引导的一般疑问句:     ---Do you know Mr Young?   ---No, I don’t.(否定回答) / Yes, I do.(肯定回答)( do问do答)对人提问用who    Who is he?    易错点:who’s谁是  whose谁的形容词性物主代词:我的my, 你的your,他的his,她的her,物它的its,我们的our,你们的your,他们的theirbe 动词引导的一般疑问句  --- Is he young?      --- No, he isn’t. (否定回答)/ Yes, he is.(肯定回答)(is问is答)What’s she like?  (be like句型既可以问外貌,也可以问性格特点;look like 只能问外貌)  What’s the weather like?人称代词主格  我是I,你是 you,男他 he,女她 she,物它it,我们we,你们you,他们they人称代词宾格我宾格me,  你宾格you, 男他宾格him, 女她宾格her, 物它宾格it,我们宾格us,你们宾格you,他们宾格them语音部分  -y / ɪ /  baby婴儿  happy快乐的  windy多风的  sunny晴朗的  sorry对不起Unit 2 My week特殊疑问句 ---What do you have on Thursdays?(询问有什么课)---I have maths, English and music.---What do you do on Thursdays?(询问做什么)---I have a cooking class with your grandma!  前面有助动词do, does, 后面接动词原形介词on, at in  on+星期或具体日期    on Monday;   on May 1st ;  on Saturday afternoon  at+几点               at 8 o’clock;   at noon  in年in月in季节,    in 2020;   in August;   in summerin上午、下午和晚上   in the morning;  in the afternoon;  in the evening频度副词        always       总是    100%          usually       通常    80%          often         经常    60%          sometimes    有时     40% never        从不     0%4. play用法: play与棋类,球类等名词连用时,中间不加the;play football;  play basketball;  play ping-pongplay与乐器连用时,中间必须加the;          play the pipa;play the piano;   play the violinplay with 与……一起玩5.语音部分  ee / i: /   feet 双脚   beef 牛肉    meet 遇见        ea / i: /   tea 茶     read 读      eat 吃Unit 3 What would you like?询问对方用餐意愿--- What would you like to eat/drink?--- I’d like...         易错点:’d like= would like 想要   like 喜欢语音部分 ow /aʊ/    cow 奶牛  flower鲜花   wow哇呀    down向下            ow/əʊ/    slow慢的  snow雪     yellow黄色的  window窗户询问对方最喜欢的食物和饮料  --- What’s your favourite food?  --- Noodles. They’re delicious.  易错点: 形代+favourite +名词;what’s =what is否定词do not= don’t  does not = doesn’t  否定词后接动词原形   I don’t like beef but chicken is OK.  Unit 4 What can you do?     情态动词can 后接动词原形   ---What can you do for the party, children?---I can sing English songs. 情态动词can 引导的一般疑问句  --- Can you do any kung fu, John?   (some 用于肯定句;any用于否定句和疑问句)  --- Yes, I can.(肯定回答)  / No, I can’t.(否定回答)How about...?= What about...? 怎么样? 后接名词、代词和动名词。  How about you? How about Mike? How about going swimming?语音部分  oo / ʊ /    book书  look看  football足球  good好的             oo/ u:/    balloon气球  food脚  zoo动物园  noodles面条want 动词原形;wants 动词三单 “想要”1)want sth.      想要某物       e.g.  I want an apple.2)want to do sth. 想要去做某事   e.g.  I want to eat an apple.3)want to be sb.  想要成为某人   e.g.  I want to be a teacher.6. 祈使句  1) Be型   Be careful!  Be quiet!  否定式: Don’t be late!  2) Do 型  Open the door!        否定式: Don’t open the door!  3) Let型  Let’s go to school!      否定式: Don’t let me go to school! Let me not go to school!                                   否定式:No +n./doing  No parking! No photos! Unit 5  There is a big bed.   There be 句型  表示某处有某人或某物。单数句:There is a big bed.       复数句:There are so many pictures here. There be 句型的“就近原则”   be动词后紧跟的是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,用is  e.g. There is a book and two pens in my bag.   be动词后紧跟的是可数名词复数时,用aree.g. There are two chairs and one desk in the room.many许多;后接可数名词 much 许多;后接不可数名词a lot of=lots of 许多; 既可接可数名词复数也可接不可数名词单复数同形的名词: fish 鱼  sheep绵羊  deer鹿 语音部分  ai /eɪ/   rainy阴雨的  rainbow彩虹   paint涂颜色   wait等待            ay /eɪ/   say说    way道路    birthday 生日   Monday星期一Unit 6  In a nature park.There be 句型的一般疑问句及其肯否回答:--- Is there a river in the nature park? --- Yes, there is.(肯定回答)  / No, there isn’t.(否定回答)--- Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?--- Yes, there are. (肯定回答)  /No, there aren’t. (否定回答) go boating 同类词: go swimming去游泳  go fishing去钓鱼   go shopping去购物语音部分 ou /aʊ/   house房子  mouse老鼠  sound声音   count数数There be 句型的否定句  There isn’t a nature park near the village.  否定词 isn’t=is not;  aren’t=are not  There aren’t any ducks on the lake.How many 后接可数名词复数问数量: How many lakes are there in the park?   How much 后接不可数名词问数量:  How much beef would you like?

