
Question:Autopsy of a 70-year-old woman reveals a papillary growth within the left ventricular chamber. The growth consists of a small mass of finger-like projections attached to the mitral valve,without associated valvular or other cardiac abnormalities. Histologically, each papillary

structure is composed of a core of fibrous tissue lined by thickened endothelium. The patient

did not have any history of cardiac disease or evidence of thromboembolism. Which of the

following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Acute mural thrombus

B. Cardiac myxoma

C. Infective endocarditis

D. Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis

E. Papillary fibroelastoma

Explanation: The correct answer is E. Gross and microscopic features of this small mass in the left ventricle are entirely consistent with papillary fibroelastoma. This lesion is not neoplastic,

despite the sound of the name. It probably results from organized thrombi forming on the

endocardial surfaces of the mitral valve or left ventricular cavity. Papillary fibroelastomas

are usually clinically silent and are discovered at autopsy as an incidental finding.

An acute mural thrombus (choice A) would not have a core of fibrous tissue. Acute mural

thrombosis usually develops as a result of stasis in the ventricular cavities, in association

with ventricular enlargement, myocardial infarction, or ventricular aneurysm, for example.

Thrombosis often develops in the atria when there is atrial fibrillation.

Cardiac myxoma (choice B) is the most frequent primary cardiac neoplasm. It is benign and

consists of stellate mesenchymal cells within a myxoid background. Since the left atrium is the

most frequent location, this tumor can produce mitral stenosis by a ball-valve effect.

Both forms of endocarditis are associated with formation of vegetations attached to the surface

of the atrioventricular valves. Vegetations of infective endocarditis (choice C) are bulky and

composed of fibrin, bacteria, and inflammatory cells. Since nonbacterial thrombotic

endocarditis (choice D) is caused by hypercoagulable states, the vegetations consist of

aggregates of fibrin but few inflammatory cells and no bacteria.

Note that all of the above conditions may lead to systemic embolization. Fragments of

vegetations, thrombi, myxoma, and papillary fibroelastoma may detach and be released into the

bloodstream, causing infarcts.

词    汇

papillary   adj.乳突的,乳头状突起的,长乳突的;

ventricular chamber [医]心室腔;

mitral valve  n.僧帽瓣,二尖瓣;

cardiac adj.心脏(病)的; (胃的)贲门的;n.心脏病患者; 强心剂;

histologically [医]adv.组织学上地,组织结构上地;

endothelium  n.内皮,内种皮;

thromboembolism n.血栓栓塞;

endocarditis n.心内膜炎;

hypercoagulable states 高凝状态

ball-valve effect  球阀效应(The intermittent flow of blood in one direction which is blocked in the opposite, a finding classically associated with atrial myxoma)



  1. 急性附壁血栓

  2. 心脏黏液瘤

  3. 感染性心内膜炎

  4. 非细菌性血栓性心内膜炎

  5. 乳头状弹性纤维瘤

解释 :正确答案是E。大体和镜下的特征显示左心室的一小团组织全部是乳头状弹性纤维瘤。尽管名字这样叫,但这种病变不是肿瘤。它可能是由二尖瓣或左心室腔的血栓形成的结果。乳头状弹性纤维瘤通常无临床症状然后在尸检时偶然被发现 。






