欲速则不达(haste makes waste),磨刀不误砍柴工,做事不要毛毛躁躁和粗心大意。虽然有的时候计划赶不上变化,但是合理的计划才能做到知根知底,处变不惊,因此要一步一个脚印,该等待的时候要耐心等。 表达“等待”最常用的是 wait,它既可以作动词也可以作名词。作动词时,常用作不及物动词,后面常见介词或不定式,常用于搭配 wait for sb/sth 中,此时 wait 对应的另外一个正式用词且表“等待”的及物动词 await,例如:1. wait 作动词She rang the bell and waited.她按铃后等候着。I walk to a street corner and wait for the school bus.我走到街角等校车。I waited for her outside while she went in to see the doctor.她进去看医生时,我在外面等她。There were a lot of people waiting to use the phone.有很多人等着用电话。2. wait 作名词We had a three-hour wait before we could see the doctor.我们等了三个小时才去看医生。The long wait to see the doctor really made me anxious.等看医生的漫长时间真使我焦虑。3. awaitHe's anxiously awaiting his test results.他焦急地等待着他的测试结果。A marvelous reception awaited me on my first day at work.在我上班的第一天,一个极好的招待会等着我。英语中还有一种老式的表达“等待”的习语,它是 hold your horses,在口语中用来劝对方稍安勿躁,要有耐心,不要着急,例如:Hold your horses! We have not won yet, so don’t start celebrating.别急!我们还没赢,所以不要庆祝了。Hold your horses, will you? Let’s have a discussion on this first before we jump to conclusions.别急,好吗!我们先讨论一下这个问题,然后再下结论。Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.别急,比尔!让我们考虑一下。Please hold your horses. Three people are already in the queue before you.请别急。在你前面已经有三个人在排队了。Hold your horses 类似于另外一个 hold 的习语 hold it,它们意思是一样的,都表示要对方等,我们基本上都可以在电影里找到它们的影子,例如:Hold it a second. I don't think everyone's arrived yet.请稍候,,我想人还没有到齐。Hold it! I don't have my coat on yet.别急!我还没穿外套。Hold it! What are you saying?别急!你在说什么?相信大家听过“hold 住”类似的话,它的意思就是等等或不要急,因为 hold 本来的意思就“停下,停止”的意思,对应的短语动词 hold on 也有类似的意思,例如:Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.稍等一下,让我喘口气。Hold on! This isn't the right road.等一下!这条路不对。Hold on 还是电话常用语,意为“别挂断,等一下”,例如:Can you hold on? I'll see if he's here.等一下行吗?我去看看他在不在。Can you hold on? I'll try to connect you.你能等一下吗?我会试着接通你的。其实 hold on 还有一个主要的意思“坚持住,挺住”,指在困境或危险中,例如:We just had to hold on until help arrived.我们只好坚持到救援到来。They managed to hold on until help arrived.他们勉强坚持到救援到来。