
这几天阅读了日本学者中村慎一郎(Shinichiro NAKAMURA)与近藤康志(Yasushi Kondo)合作的书籍:
Waste Input-Output Analysis : Concepts and Application to Industrial Ecology

这本书在后面会推送,今天先推送Shinichiro NAKAMURA写的编制环境投入产出表的Slides

Any economic activity generates waste of some sort. The WIO table is an extended Input-Output (IO) table that represents the interdependence between the flow of goods and the flow of wastes. The following figure shows a prototype of the WIO table, which consists of five production sectors (mining, energy, materials, parts, and product), three waste treatment sectors (separation and shredding, incineration, and landfill), and six waste types (waste containers, discarded appliances, metal scraps, dust, sludge, and ash). In the figure, Xij indicates the flow of goods, while Wij indicates the flow of wastes. The activity of the waste treatment sectors is to transform waste feedstock into different types of waste. The flow in the 'waste times waste treatment '' block represents this transformation..
WIO as an accounting system
From the point of view of accounting system, WIO can be seen as a variant of NAMEA. A distinguishing feature of WIO consists in its detailed description of waste stream and waste management. Furthermore, we have also developed an accompanying analytical model called WIO model that can be used as a hybrid LCA tool of waste management. For details of the WIO model, see below.
WIO adopted as a format for an official statistic of Japan
WIO has been adopted as the format for recording the flow of waste among production-, consumption-, and waste management sectors, involving generation, treatment, recycling, and final disposal, in the Input-Output Tables for Analysis of Environmental Fields (E-IO), an official statistic of Japan, the preparation of which was approved by the cabinet in March 2009. E-IO has henceforth being developed under the initiative of Ministry of the Environment (MOE) in cooperation with Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).


