此外,IWA还在前段时间专门组织成立了COVID-19疫情应对特别工作组,由IWA全球理事会成员、斯德哥尔摩水奖获得者Joan Rose教授担任主席。Joan Rose教授来自美国密歇根州立大学,是微生物与水公共卫生安全方面的顶尖专家,她将与多个相关领域的IWA专家组代表合作开展交流和研究,旨在向全球水务行业提供最新的科学性指导,评估病毒风险,探究制定保护水务从业人员和公共卫生健康所需的有效措施,鼓励各国分享疫情期间的管理方法,开展技术和信息交流,为行业提供力所能及的支持和援助。
4月8日(北京时间晚20:00),IWA将邀请包括Joan Rose教授在内的4位国际顶尖专家,围绕水行业应对Covid-19疫情这一主题开展在线对话。我们欢迎大家届时报名参与这场网络研讨会。报名链接:https://iwa-network.org/learn/covid-19-a-water-professionals-perspective/
IWA全新的开源期刊《Water Research X》也将推出特刊,聚焦自然和工程水系统中与健康相关的病毒。欢迎从事相关研究的专家学者在2020年7月30日前参与投稿。具体信息,请访问期刊网站查看。
工作组的相关研究成果将在后期陆续通过IWA网站、在线网络研讨会、白皮书报告等形式对外发布。IWA中国区的会员和朋友们如果希望为工作组提供有用的信息建议,或参与相关互动和讨论,可以关注IWA网站和邮件中的更新时讯,如有需要也可邮件至dan.wang@iwahq.org具体咨询。Information resources on water and Covid-19The Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is raising many questions for the water supply and wastewater sector around the world. This includes the public seeking reassurance about potential concerns. The organisations who provide water and wastewater services have to respond to this, and cope with the direct impact of the pandemic on their workforces. Attention to the crucial contribution of handwashing in preventing the spread of the disease is highlighting the importance of access to water supply, sanitation and hygiene. The list goes on.Information is key. Here we provide links to some of the leading and most respected sources to help support understanding and discussion at this crucial time.Among these sources, the World Health Organization is a primary reference point. Its most recent guidance summarises current thinking. Importantly, this includes thinking built on the substantial relevant understanding of coronaviruses, including that gained regarding the SARS outbreak of 2003. Further information is provided by organisations such as national health agencies and research organisations.The activities of water supply and wastewater service providers are already directed at protecting public health, especially from pathogens. Covid-19 is nonetheless a new disease. We will aim to support discussion on issues requiring attention, especially the evolving science.Alongside this, water supply and wastewater operators provide an essential service. The information sources cover the need to protect and prioritise this workforce in times of need, as well as the safety of staff in their work environment.World Health OrganizationWater, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19Technical Brief, 19 March 2020: https://www.who.int/publications-detail/water-sanitation-hygiene-and-waste-management-for-covid-19South African Water Research CommissionCovid-19 Fact Sheet: http://www.wrc.org.za/corona-virus/German Federal Ministry of HealthFrequently Asked Questions, including is water a possible source of infection in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2?https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/en/press/2020/coronavirus.htmlWater Services Association of AustraliaCOVID-19 Fact Sheet: https://www.wsaa.asn.au/publication/covid-19-fact-sheetGlobal Water Research CoalitionFact sheet: The COVID-19 Virus – “Water, Sanitation and Wastewater Management”: http://www.globalwaterresearchcoalition.net/
Operational perspectives
American Water Works AssociationCOVID-19 response: water sector preparation, vigilance crucialhttps://www.awwa.org/AWWA-Articles/covid-19-response-water-sector-preparation-vigilance-crucialWater Environment FederationThe Water Professional’s Guide to COVID-19https://wef.org/news-hub/wef-news/the-water-professionals-guide-to-the-2019-novel-coronavirus/
US Centers for Disease Control and PreventionWater transmission and COVID-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.htmlUnited States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationCovid-19 Control and Prevention, including interim guidance for solid waste and wastewater management workers and employershttps://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/controlprevention.html#solidwaste
WaSH resources in refugee contexts
Article: Novel coronavirus found in wastewater
国际水协会(IWA)官网 www.iwa-network.org