


try one’s best to do sth
spare no effort to do sth
make joint/combined efforts to do sth 共同努力做某事
go to great lengths to do sth
devote/commit/dedicate oneself to doing sth
commit one’s whole being to doing sth 全身心投入做某事
do sth with every fibre of one’s being 全身心投入做某事
反:face up to sth and never shrink from doing sth 直面某事,做某事不退缩
2.尝试做某事 try to do sth 
attempt to do sth =make an attempt to do sth
have a go at doing sth
Take effective/immediate/concrete/relevant/forceful action/measures/steps to do sth
被动也不错:Immediate measures should be taken to address the problem.
Measures should betaken to address the problem without delay.
play an important/vital/essential role (in sth)
be of vital importance to sb/sth  类似be of great value/benefit to sb/sth
双重否定表强调:Nothing is of more importance than sth.
sb attach(much)importance/significance to sth
lay emphasis/stress on sth
stress the importance of sth
give priority to sth 优先考虑,优先处理
双重否定:We can never lay too much emphasis on sth
某事做主语:Sth should be high on one’s list of priorities/be at the top of one's agenda
turn a blind eye to sth; turn a deaf ear to sth
By no means should we ignore/neglect/overlook the importance of sth
sb tend to do sth have a tendency to do sth
There is a tendency for sb to do sth
sb be likely to do sth
It is likely that sb/sth will do sth.
There is a high possibility that… = Chances are that…
be bound/sure to do sth
have no choice/alternative but to do sth = can’t choose but do sth
某事使某人别无选择sth leave sb with no choice but to do sth
take sth into consideration/account
take it into consideration/account that 从句
keep sth in mind
keep it in mind that 从句
take sth for granted
take it for granted that 从句
A have positive/negative/far-reaching/side effects on B
A do/cause (great)harm/damage to B
have the right/freedom/opportunity/motivation/desire/magic to do sth
have (great)trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth
A set a good example to B
A act/serve as a role model to B
B follow the example of A
B follow in the footsteps of A
call on sb to do sth
appeal to sb to do sth = make an appeal to sb to do sth
raise one’s awareness of sth = make sb aware of sth
make sb have a better understanding of sth
反面:The lack of awareness of sth will stand in the way of doing sth 意识的缺乏会阻碍…
think twice before doing sth
put oneself in sb’s shoes
see sth from another angle/a different angle
sth remind sb of sth
sth set sb thinking    注:set alarm bells ringing 敲响警钟
to a certain/a large degree/extent
in/over the short/long term
28.变得越来越流行 become more and more popular
become increasingly popular = gain increasing popularity
sth has become a hit 已经变成风靡一时的流行/成功
29.问题变得日益严重 The problem is becoming increasingly serious 
sth is becoming more of a problem
sth has become a headache 成为令人头疼的问题
with the rapid development of the Internet/people’s living standards
as the internet is developing at a fast rate
31.in a world of information explosion 在一个信息爆炸的世界
in the era of globalization 在全球化时代
in a society where money is valued most 在一个…(如金钱至上)的社会
from the bottom of one’s heart
wholeheartedly= heart and soul
Without doubt/hesitation/delay/ reservation/loss of enthusiasm/loss of confidence
35.whatever the situation/circumstances/reason,… 不管是什么情况/理由
regardless of any possible difficulties  不顾任何困难
broaden one’s horizons and expand one’s scope of knowledge 开阔视野,拓展知识面
boost one’s confidence and inspire one’s motivation 增强信心,激发动力
enhance one’s willpower and contribute to one’s future success 增加意志力,促进未来成功
form correct values and morals 形成正确的价值观与道德观
overcome difficulties and conquer obstacles/challenges 克服困难,征服阻碍/挑战
resist the temptation and stick to our principles 抵制诱惑,坚持原则
share our sorrows and double our joys 分担悲伤,分享喜悦
drive away our loneliness and get rid of our tiredness 驱走孤独,摆脱劳累
keep a positive attitude and pursue our dream with diligence and persistence 保持积极的态度,勤奋坚持得追求梦想
cherish what weal ready possess and pursue what we truly need 珍惜我们已经拥有的,追求我们真正需要的
reflect on our mistakes and give thought to ways to correct them 反思错误,思考改正方法
we should first take a deep breath to calm down before... 在做某事前首先深呼吸冷静下来
Recognizing (the seriousness/gravity of) the problem is the first step (that we should take)towards solving it.



e.g. Without goals,we would be like ships with no destination, in which case we might end up getting nowhere.
【注:as 表“正如”的结构都很百搭,但也很可有可无, 如as we all know, asis often the case, as far as sb/sth is concerned, as sb put it等】
e.g. It is our heart-warming gestures towards people in need that can make a difference to the world we live in.
Not only should we…,but also we ought to do…表“既要做,又要做”“既可以,又可以
Under no circumstances/By no means/On no account/ In no case should we…. 我们绝不能...
Only in this way/by doing sth/ when… can we…
3)So/Such 放句首倒装,表“如此…以至于…”
e.g. So shameful are these behaviors that they stain the reputation of China.
Such a meaningful event is the street store program that I am willing to participate in it.
e.g. Convenient as/though digital reading is, it will not replace traditional reading in a million years.
【注:用despite也很高级 Despite the convenience of digital reading, it will….; Despite the fact that digital reading is very convenient, it will…】
e.g. Were I a participant of this event, I would appeal to my friends to get involved in it.
4.祈使句,+and/or +完整句子 (放在结尾段,表“呼吁、做什么等”,也很不错)
e.g. Smile at our life, and we are sure to get a smile in return.
1)There is no doubt that … 毫无疑问的是
2)There is no denying that…      不容否认的是
3)There is nothing ambiguous about sth/the fact that…   关于…是很明确不模棱两可的
4)There is no need to do sth     做某事没有必要
5)There is no point/sense in doing sth   做某事没有意义
6)It doesn’t make (much) sense to do sth   做某事没道理/意义
7)It is no good/use doing sth  做某事没好处/没用
8)It is high/about time that sb did/should do sth       是时候做某事了
9)It is high on the agenda that sb should do sth        做某事是当务之急
10)The time is ripe for sb to do sth    做某事的时机已经成熟了
11)It goes without saying that…         某事是不言而喻的
12)It is likely that … = There is a high possibility that… = (The) chances are that …很有可能
13)It is not uncommon for sb to do sth; It is not uncommon that sb do sth  某事很常见
14)Itis a must for sb to do sth  做某事是必须的
15)It doesn’t matter that… What really matters is that…  …不重要,真正重要的是…
16)What impresses me most is that…使我印象最深刻的是…(what主从+表从可广泛应用)
17)It is not A but B that really counts (for much). 不是A而是B才是真正重要的
18)It is A rather than B that make a difference. 产生影响、发挥作用的不是A而是B
19)It is important/necessary for sb either to do A or do B  某人要么做..要么做..是很重要/必要(等)的 【注:此句亮点在选择关系,it做形式主语的主从就很普通了】
20)A is…, and it is the same (case) with B.= and B is no different.  A… B也是如此
21)This is especially true when it comes to…  当提到…这一点也很适用
22)(Doing)sth is the key to doing sth  (做)某事是…的关键,很重要
23)Doing sth is also a good choice/a wise option. …也是一个不错的选择/英明的抉择
1)When it comes to..., I hold the view that … 当提到…,我认为
2)I subscribe to/applaud/am in favor of/ stand up for/ can’t agree more with one’s viewpoint that … 我赞同某人…的观点
3)Every coin has two sides, and sth is no exception. 凡事有利有弊,…也不例外
4)Just like a double-edged sword, sth has both advantages and disadvantages. 就像一把双刃剑,…既有利也有弊
5)The reasons why … can be listed as follows. 某事的原因可以罗列如下
6)There are many factors that can account for sth 有很多因素可以解释某事
逻辑关系 although -->despite the fact that...
环保话题live in harmony with
1)sb/sth has become a household name 家喻户晓
2)a blessing in disguise 伪装成坏事的好事,祸中有福
3)stop eating for fear of chocking 因噎废食
4)look on the bright side (of sth) (对坏情况),看到光明的一面,持乐观态度
5)Every cloud has a silver lining.  黑暗中总有一线光明,困境中也有积极面
6)a stepping stone towards success 通向成功的垫脚石
7)climb the ladder of success  攀登成功的阶梯
8) keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life 使神圣的友谊之灯长明
9) Where others see failure, they see possibility. Where others see a closed door theysee an open window.
10) When one door of opportunity closes, another will open.
11) If we try hard enough, we are sure to find an open window where others only see a closed door. (化用名句)
12) Every failure is a stepping stone towards success, and we keep learning along the way.
13) A proper goal is like a lighthouse, guiding us in the darkness towards the right direction.
14) We can find in real books the peace which has almost disappeared in a chaotic and fast-paced world.
15) Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies and delicious fruits, but many of us blindly spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.
16) Only when we make good use of the precious time can we win the race against time.



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