



The Construction Organization Design of the No.7 Building of xx Community in xx

[Abstract] The construction organization design is the core and soul of the construction organization. It is a comprehensive document of technology, economy and organization that conceives and arranges the whole process of the construction project and guides the activities of the whole process of the construction project. The construction organization design is a programmatic document for the construction organization Design of the No.7 Building of xx Community in xx. During the compilation, many factors, such as the organizational setup of the project, the overall construction deployment, construction preparation, the construction methods of major sub-projects and sub-projects, project quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, and construction site management measures, were fully considered as far as possible, highlighting the scientific nature, applicability and pertinence, which is an important economic and technical document to ensure high quality, low consumption, safety, civilization and high-speed completion of all construction tasks. According to the conditions of ensuring construction period, quality and safety, civilized construction site, saving cost, etc., the targeted construction organization design is compiled, and the feasible construction scheme is compiled according to the characteristics, structural characteristics, construction difficulty, construction period and quality requirements of each sub-project item. To ensure the smooth completion of the construction of this project, control the project cost and create high-quality projects.

[Keywords] Construction organization and planning, Construction scheme, Progress plan, Resource demand, Construction plan

