支招小作文(66) | 饼图2:不连续年份之间的比较


雅思小作文系列   |  栏目推送说明


* 数据图:【饼图】

* 主要描述:【比较】




# Introduction

Shown in the pair of pie charts are the online sales of four retail sectors in New Zealand, and two years – 2003 and 2013 – are investigated. Overall, there are apparent similarities and notable differences between the four sectors.

* 本段第一句是倒装现象。这个倒装句型可以当成套话记住和使用。Shown in the xxxx are/is xxxxxxx.

* 第一句中(由两个破折扣隔开的部分)还出现了英语里常见的同位语现象。

* 第二句对于图形的总述时,尤其需要搞清楚究竟是什么之间的异同。

# Body

The year of 2013 witnessed that books and film/music accounted for greater proportions than they did in 2003. In 2013, the category of audio-visual items made one-third – the largest portion – of the sales of all four categories, compared sharply with the one-fifth in 2003. In terms of books, 2013’s figure – 22% – was slightly higher than 2003’s 19%.

* 本段的得分重点之一在于句子主语/句子开头的多样性,使得整个段落的语言不单调。

* 本的的另一得分重点在于表达程度的副词。

By contrast, clothing and travel both had shrinkage in 2013, compared with their respective shares in 2003. The sales of clothing accounted for almost a quarter in 2003, and were only 16% in 2013, constituting the smallest part of the total sales.The tourism sector,accounting for 36%, was larger than the other sectors in 2003 and became the second largest in 2013 with its proportion being 29%.

* 本段的得分重点之一依然在于句子主语/句子开头的多样性,使得整个段落的语言不单调。

* 本的的另一得分重点在于伴随状语、插入状语、独立主格结构作状语。

# Conclusion

Clearly, the two years differ markedly.

* 如果可以有,还是有个结尾段为作文增色。

* 可以短小一句浓缩概括图形的全貌,就可以了。

