
来源:标签:Sara Pozzi,CVT,验证,技术,联盟收藏:株野作者:萨拉·A·波兹教授日期:2016/06/21联系人

Prof. Sara A. PozziMTV DirectorNuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciencespozzisa@umich.edu734-615-4970

2016 CVT研讨会将由密歇根联盟于10月19日和20日在密歇根州安阿伯举行。研讨会将介绍CVT项目第二年的教职员工和学生的研究活动进展。我们正在计划各种活动,包括讨论会、口头报告和海报会议。照片点击这里查看今年研讨会的照片!2016 CVT Workshop照片

位置和停车场密歇根联盟911北大学安阿伯,邮编:1265密歇根大学停车信息https//该链接提供校园内停车场以及附近城市结构停车场选项的信息。议程(交互式)点击演示标题,查看演讲幻灯片和海报。通过单击演讲标题旁边的“视频”链接查看视频演示文稿。10月18日19:00欢迎晚宴葡萄酒学Holmium步行地图10月19日密歇根联盟二楼宴会厅(地图)07:45注册,中央大厅早餐和海报布置,舞厅示范装置,密歇根和卡拉马祖房间08:15欢迎光临(视频)Prof. Sara Pozzi, UM & Dr. Shaun Clarke, UM08:40DNN任务需求LTC Ben Miller,能源部NA-221副主任09:00研发重点Michael Cai博士,技术顾问,美国能源部NA-22109:20CVT第二年成绩(视频)Prof. Sara Pozzi, UM09:40休息09:55重点领域1:条约核查:用新技术和新方法弥合差距(视频)Prof. Alex Glaser, PU &Tamara Patton女士,PU10:15禁止生产高浓缩铀(视频)Prof. Frank von Hippel, PU10:35设计下一代可信和非侵入性核检查:伙伴标记和虚拟证据项目的合作机会(视频)塞巴斯蒂安·菲利普先生,大学研究生院研究员(学生谈)10:55休息11:10推力区2:基本物理数据和数据采集与分析技术(视频)艾尔·赫罗教授,嗯11:30多中心图谱分解及其在网络入侵检测中的应用(视频)P.Y.Chen博士,UM博士后助理11:50核裂变相关数据的测量(视频)Matthew Marcath先生,UM研究生助理(学生演讲)12:10午餐,Vandenberg & Hussey房间示威游行,密歇根和卡拉马祖房间13:40DNN概述安妮·哈林顿女士,国防部核不扩散副署长14:00重点领域3:无障碍设施的先进保障工具(视频)钟和教授,嗯14:20在装置装配厂进行裂变材料实验(视频)迈克尔·哈默尔先生,大学研究生助理,皮特·查普曼先生,NCSU研究生助理迈克尔·斯特里彻先生,大学研究生研究员(学生谈话)14:50高通量辐射探测器系统的数据压缩与分析方法(视频)约翰·马丁利教授15:10激光等离子体环境气体加热和流体力学的基本机理研究(视频)Patrick J.Skrodszki先生,UM研究生研究员(学生演讲)15:30快中子多重计数器:有源模式计数器的研制(视频)东尼申先生,大学研究生院研究员(学生讲座)15:30AmLi中子能谱的montecarlo模拟拟合(视频)罗伯特·温曼·史密斯先生,佛罗里达大学研究生研究员(学生演讲)16:10合影留念,舞厅海报会议接待处,舞厅示威游行,密歇根和卡拉马祖房间18:30休会,第一天10月20日密歇根联盟舞厅07:45早餐08:15重点领域4:探测未申报活动和无法进入的设施(视频)Prof. Milton Garces, UH08:35放射性核素的大气输运模拟(视频)Matthew Krupcale先生,UM研究生研究员(学生演讲)08:55核爆炸试验地震监测:旧项目(朝鲜)和新项目(数据救援)(视频)保罗·理查兹教授09:15休息09:30鼓风建模:确定近地面小爆炸的产量 (视频Air-Blast Modeling: Yield Determination of Small Near-Surface Explosions(视频)Ms. Julie Schnurr, UH Graduate Fellow (student talk)09:50利用CdZnTe,SiPM阵列和塑料闪烁体开发放射性氙检测系统 (视频Development of a Radioxenon Detection System Using CdZnTe, Array of SiPMs, and a Plastic Scintillator(视频)Mr. Steven Czyz, OSU Graduate Fellow (student talk)10:10PNNL CVT合作的研究重点Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at PNNLDr. Ray Klann, PNNL10:20LBNL的CVT合作研究重点 (视频)Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at LBNL(视频)Dr. John Valentine, LBNL10:30LLNL的CVT合作研究重点 (视频)Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at LLNL(视频)Dr. Scot S. Olivier, LLNL10:40休息10:55区域性扩散风险模型中的国家级决策 (视频State-Level Decision-Making in a Regional Model of Proliferation Risk(视频)Dr. Meghan McGarry, UW Lab Scientist11:15重点领域5:裁军核查 (视频Thrust Area 5: Disarmament Verification(视频)Prof. Areg Danagoulian, MIT11:35核弹头物理密码验证的最新进展 (视频Recent progress on physical cryptographic verification of nuclear warheads(视频)Mr. Jayson Vavrek, MIT Graduate Associate (student talk)11:55午餐,Vandenberg & Hussey房间12:30 – 1:00, DAF planning discussion,Vanderbergroom12:30 – 1:00, LTC Ben Miller discussion with students,Hussey room(Demos must be broken down by the end of lunch on this day)13:15大型气体离心浓缩厂的及时验证 (视频Timely Verification at Large-scale Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plants(视频)Mr. Mark Walker, PU Graduate Associate (student talk)13:35同位素自动识别算法的统计评分和基准测试结果 (视频Statistical Scoring and Benchmarking Results for Automated Isotope Identification Algorithm(视频)Prof. Clair Sullivan, UI13:55LANL的CVT合作研究重点 (视频Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at LANL(视频)Dr. James Miller, LANL14:05SNL CVT合作的研究重点Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at SNLDr. Rob Tachau, SNL14:15INL CVT合作的研究重点Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at INLDr. David Chichester, INL14:25闭幕词/学生奖励Closing Comments / Student AwardsProf. Sara Pozzi & LTC Benjamin Miller实验室参观:游客可将物品留在Hussey旅行期间的房间。参观期间房间将上锁。15:00Departing Bus to UM North Campus15:15Lab Tours1) Dual Particle Imager, Prof. Sara Pozzi2) Lambda3Laboratory, Prof. Igor Jovanovic3) Radiation Detection and Imaging Laboratory, Prof. David Wehe16:45Return Bus to Michigan League17:00ADJOURN, Day 2演示:所有演示仅在研讨会的第一天(10/19)进行。演讲者姓名描述位置PU的Alexander Glaser和PU的Tamara Patton虚拟现实演示卡拉马祖室。OSU的Eric Becker多通道处理器,使用波形发生器生成输入信号,并在笔记本电脑上显示输出。密歇根室麻省马特乌斯·蒙特雷里亚具有增强现实显示的3D辐射成像密歇根室梅根(Meghan B McGarry),威斯康星大学使用循环核燃料循环模拟器进行燃料循环建模的演示密歇根室UM钟和&UM大卫·艾萨克·古德曼Orion研究小组将展示由我们的UM小组首创的3-D CZT探测器技术,并将其商业化以用于国家安全,医疗和核电站。一个Orion数字3-D CZT检测器原型系统将展出,并为与会人员提供亲身体验。密歇根室密尔顿(Milton Garces),UH带触觉的次声演示。自给自足,以椅背形式提供动力。密歇根室UM Tony Shin快速中子多重计数器,用于保障应用。密歇根室海报:海报发布的第一个小时(16:10 – 17:10)必须参加编号奇特的海报。在海报发布会的第二个小时(17:10 – 18:10)中,必须参加偶数编号的海报。海报号名称海报标题01UM大学研究生院毕业生Elizabeth Hou高维非线性系统的惩罚集合式卡尔曼滤波器02杜凯研究生院士深度学习进行复杂图像分析03约安·奥特曼(Yoann Altmann),UM博士后中子谱展开和脉冲形状判别的先进分析方法04班尼特·威廉姆斯,UM研究生使用CdZnTe检测器阵列的SNM物理尺寸和富集特性05UM大学研究生Charles Stephen Sosa有机闪烁体和光收集06大卫·伊萨克·古德曼(UM)研究生使用随机原点集成进行3D像素化CdZnTe的伽马射线成像07艾米丽·金(Emily King),美国大学本科生脉冲形状拟合可实现双脉冲恢复08威廉·斯坦伯格(UM)研究生耦合到硅光电倍增管的有机闪烁体的定时算法09UF研究生院士Gabriel Sandler使用MCNP6表征MC-15中子多重检测器的响应10UM大学本科生Kyle Beyer偏置电压和晶体尺寸对硅光电倍增管读出的二苯乙烯晶体的脉冲形状识别11帕特里夏·舒斯特(Patricia Schuster),UM博士后探索有机闪烁体的方向性:理论与应用12NCSU研究生助理Kyle Weinfurther用于单体积中子散射相机的微通道板表征13UM博士后研究员Lazar Supic使用主动询问对HEU成像14马克·格里特·帕夫(Marc Gerrit Paff),马萨诸塞大学研究生助理减少辐射门禁监控器中的医学同位素有害警报15马克·鲁奇(UMC)研究生手持式双粒子成像仪原理仿真的证明16麻省大学硕士研究生Mateusz Monterialγ中子源的单视图3D重建17UM博士后Milos Burger博士细丝诱导击穿光谱研究的等离子体诊断技术的发展18NCSU研究生助理Mudit Mishra多个有机闪烁体探测器的频域复用19内森·吉哈(Nathan Giha),马萨诸塞大学本科生用于读取手持式双粒子成像仪的原型印刷电路板20尼拉·P·沙阿(UM)研究生核不扩散的时间编码成像21UM博士后研究员Fred Buhler用于协议验证的安全ADC的硅前建模22罗伯特·韦尔顿(NCSU)研究生研究员二苯乙烯光输出特性和沟道效应23美国大学研究生院院士安东尼·克里斯特实时颞pat次声分析的探索24西亚拉·西维尔斯(Ciara Sivels),马萨诸塞大学研究生使用MCNPX-PoliMi进行放射性氙建模25Eric Becker,OSU博士后研究员八通道数字光谱仪,用于多元素检测器中的一致性测量26卡琳娜·阿斯玛(Karina Asmar),UH研究生研究员用智能手机记录的火箭次声签名27CU Howard研究生,Michael Howe使用面波改善远程地震的位置28保罗·G·理查兹(Paul G.Richards),CU无级变速器学院对朝鲜地震事件的评估,2010年5月12日29保罗·G·理查兹(Paul G.Richards),CU无级变速器学院在实际步骤中,从美国的模拟地震图档案中,从水下,大气中和地下的核爆炸试验中提取地震信号30麻省理工学院研究生助理Ruaridh Macdonald扩展核弹头验证协议的隐私漏斗31UM副研究员Shaun Clarke实验室合作和外展活动32INL首长级研究员David ChichesterINL支持核不扩散研究与开发的资源和能力33雷·克兰(PNK)PNNL –您的防扩散研发合作伙伴34本·雷莫尔德(PU)最低侵入性验证:对伙伴标签概念的重新审视住宿密歇根大学联盟酒店距离车间:0英里,现场位置可用客房:six价格:135美元Room block: VT workshop电话:734-764-3177密歇根州安阿伯市北大学大道911号,邮编:48109-1265毕业,安阿伯距离车间:0.3英里,步行时间5分钟客房:20间Room block: VT workshop费率:159美元电话:734-769-2200密歇根州安阿伯市休伦东街615号,邮编:48104安娜堡南汉普顿酒店距离车间:3英里可用客房:twenty价格:111美元Room block: VT workshop电话:734-665-5000胜利路925号,安娜堡,密歇根州,forty-eight thousand one hundred and eight预订链接:CVT会议预订链接-安阿伯南汉普顿酒店美国长期停留距离车间:3英里可用客房:twenty价格:87美元(工作室),92美元(豪华)Room block: VT workshop电话:734-997-7623密歇根州安阿伯市Boardwalk路3265号,邮编:48108费尔菲尔德酒店距离车间:3英里可用客房:twenty价格:111美元Room block: VT workshop电话:734-995-5200密歇根州安阿伯Boardwalk路3285号,邮编:48108参观安娜堡

在美丽的秋天,您可以在美国最好的主要街道之一漫步,体验安娜堡!探索越野小径或探索伟大的博物馆,包括密歇根大学校园内的三个博物馆。参观时不要错过我们世界级的餐厅和剧院!开始计划你的安娜堡体验,访问 Workshop, 2016

The 2016 CVT Workshop will take place at the Michigan League in Ann Arbor, MI on October 19th & 20th.The workshop will feature progress on research activities by faculty and students over the 2nd year of the CVT project. We are planning a variety of activities which will include discussion sessions, oral presentations, and a poster session.PHOTOSClick here to view photos from this year’s workshop!

LOCATION & PARKINGMichigan League911 N. UniversityAnn Arbor, MI  48109-1265University of Michigan Parking Information link provides information for on campus parking as well as nearby city structure parking options.AGENDA (Interactive)View talk slides and posters by clicking on the presentation title.View the video presentation by clicking the “video” link next to the talk title.October 18th1900Welcome Dinner Vinology– walking mapOctober 19thMichigan LeagueBallroom, 2nd floor (map)0745Registration, ConcourseBreakfast and Poster Setup, BallroomDemonstration set-up, Michigan and Kalamazoo rooms0815Welcome (video)Prof. Sara Pozzi, UM & Dr. Shaun Clarke, UM0840DNN Mission needsLTC Ben Miller, Deputy Director, NA-221, DOE0900Research & Development PrioritiesDr. Michael Cai, Technical Advisor, NA-221, DOE0920CVT Year 2 Accomplishments (video)Prof. Sara Pozzi, UM0940BREAK0955Thrust Area 1: Treaty Verification: Closing the Gaps with New Technologies and Approaches (video)Prof. Alex Glaser, PU &Ms. Tamara Patton, PU1015A Ban on the Production of Highly Enriched Uranium (video)Prof. Frank von Hippel, PU1035Designing Next Generation Trusted and Non-Intrusive Nuclear Inspections: Opportunities for Collaboration on the Buddy Tag and Virtual Proofs Projects (video)Mr. Sebastien Philippe, PU Graduate Fellow(student talk)1055BREAK1110Thrust Area 2: Fundamental Physical Data and Data Acquisition and Analysis Techniques (video)Prof. Al Hero, UM1130Multi-centrality Graph Spectral Decompositions and their Application to Cyber Intrusion Detection (video)Dr. P.Y. Chen, UM Postdoctoral Associate1150Measurement of Correlated Data from Nuclear Fission (video)Mr. Matthew Marcath, UM Graduate Associate (student talk)1210LUNCH, Vandenberg & Hussey roomsDEMONSTRATIONS, Michigan & Kalamazoo rooms1340DNN overviewMs. Anne Harrington, Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, DOE1400Thrust Area 3: Advanced Safeguards Tools for Accessible Facilities (video)Prof. Zhong He, UM1420Fissile Material Experiments at the Device Assembly Facility  (video)Mr. Michael Hamel, UM Graduate Associate, Mr. Pete Chapman, NCSU Graduate Associate Mr. Michael Streicher, UM Graduate Fellow (student talk)1450Data Compression and Analysis Methods for High Throughput Radiation Detector Systems (video)Prof. John Mattingly, NCSU1510Investigation of fundamental mechanisms related to ambient gas heating and hydrodynamics of laser-induced plasmas (video)Mr. Patrick J. Skrodszki, UM Graduate Fellow (student talk)1530Fast Neutron Multiplicity Counter: Development of an active-mode counter (video)Mr. Tony Shin, UM Graduate Fellow (student talk)1550Fitting the AmLi neutron spectrum for Monte Carlo simulations (video)Mr. Robert Weinmann-Smith, UF Graduate Fellow (student talk)1610GROUP PHOTO, BallroomPOSTER SESSION RECEPTION, BallroomDEMONSTRATIONS, Michigan & Kalamazoo rooms1830ADJOURN, DAY 1October 20thMichigan LeagueBallroom0745Breakfast0815Thrust Area 4: Detection of Undeclared Activities and Inaccessible Facilities (video)Prof. Milton Garces, UH0835Atmospheric Transport Modeling of Radionuclides (video)Mr. Matthew Krupcale, UM Graduate Fellow (student talk)0855Seismic monitoring for nuclear explosive testing: projects old (DPRK) and new (data rescue) (video)Prof. Paul Richards, CU0915BREAK0930Air-Blast Modeling: Yield Determination of Small Near-Surface Explosions (video)Ms. Julie Schnurr, UH Graduate Fellow (student talk)0950Development of a Radioxenon Detection System Using CdZnTe, Array of SiPMs, and a Plastic Scintillator (video)Mr. Steven Czyz, OSU Graduate Fellow (student talk)1010Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at PNNLDr. Ray Klann, PNNL1020Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at LBNL (video)Dr. John Valentine, LBNL1030Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at LLNL (video)Dr. Scot S. Olivier, LLNL1040BREAK1055State-Level Decision-Making in a Regional Model of Proliferation Risk (video)Dr. Meghan McGarry, UW Lab Scientist1115Thrust Area 5: Disarmament Verification (video)Prof. Areg Danagoulian, MIT1135Recent progress on physical cryptographic verification of nuclear warheads (video)Mr. Jayson Vavrek, MIT Graduate Associate (student talk)1155LUNCH, Vandenberg & Hussey rooms12:30 – 1:00, DAF planning discussion, Vanderberg room12:30 – 1:00, LTC Ben Miller discussion with students, Hussey room(Demos must be broken down by the end of lunch on this day)1315Timely Verification at Large-scale Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plants (video)Mr. Mark Walker, PU Graduate Associate (student talk)1335Statistical Scoring and Benchmarking Results for Automated Isotope Identification Algorithm (video)Prof. Clair Sullivan, UI1355Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at LANL (video)Dr. James Miller, LANL1405Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at SNL Dr. Rob Tachau, SNL1415Research Highlights from CVT collaborations at INLDr. David Chichester, INL1425Closing Comments / Student Awards Prof. Sara Pozzi & LTC Benjamin MillerLAB TOURS: Tour participants may leave there belongings in the Husseyroom during the tour. The room will be locked during the tour.1500Departing Bus to UM North Campus1515Lab Tours1) Dual Particle Imager, Prof. Sara Pozzi2) Lambda3 Laboratory, Prof. Igor Jovanovic3) Radiation Detection and Imaging Laboratory, Prof. David Wehe1645Return Bus to Michigan League1700ADJOURN, Day 2DEMONSTRATIONS: All demonstrations will occur on day 1 of the workshop (10/19) only.Presenter NameDescriptionLocationAlexander Glaser, PU & Tamara Patton, PUVirtual Reality DemonstrationKalamazoo Rm.Eric Becker, OSUMulti-channel processor, using a waveform generator to generate input signals, and displaying output on a laptop.Michigan Rm.Mateusz Monterial, UM3D Radiation Imaging with Augmented Reality DisplayMichigan Rm.Meghan B McGarry, UWA Demonstration of Fuel Cycle Modeling using the Cyclus Nuclear Fuel Cycle SimulatorMichigan Rm.Zhong He, UM & David Isaac Goodman, UMOrion research group will demonstrate 3-D CZT detector technology pioneered by our UM group, and is being commercialized for applications in national security, medical and nuclear power plants. One Orion digital 3-D CZT detector prototype system will be on display and for hand-on experience by workshop attendees.Michigan Rm.Milton Garces, UHInfrasound demo with haptics. Self-contained and self-powered in a chair-backrest form factor.Michigan Rm.Tony Shin, UMFast Neutron Multiplicity Counter for Safeguards Applications.Michigan Rm.POSTERS: Odd numbered posters must be attended during the first hour of the poster session (1610 – 1710). Even numbered posters must be attended during the 2nd hour of the poster session (1710 – 1810).Poster No.NamePoster Title01Elizabeth Hou, UMGraduate FellowPenalized Ensemble Kalman Filters for High Dimensional Non-linear Systems02Kevin Liang, DUGraduate FellowDeep Learning for Complex Image Analysis03Yoann Altmann, UMPostdoctoral AssociateAdvanced analytic methods for neutron spectra unfolding and pulse shape discrimination04Bennett Williams, UMGraduate FellowSNM Physical Dimension and Enrichment Characterization Using CdZnTe Detector Arrays05Charles Stephen Sosa, UMGraduate FellowOrganic scintillators and light collection06David Isaac Goodman, UMGraduate FellowGamma-Ray Imaging in 3D, Pixelated CdZnTe Using Stochastic Origin Ensembles07Emily King, UMUndergraduate FellowPulse Shape Fitting for Double Pulse Recovery08William Steinberger, UMGraduate AssociateTiming Algorithms for Organic Scintillators Coupled to Silicon Photomultipliers09Gabriel Sandler, UFGraduate FellowCharacterization of MC-15 neutron multiplicity detector response using MCNP610Kyle Beyer, UMUndergraduate FellowPulse Shape Discrimination for Stilbene Crystals with Silicon Photomultiplier Readout by Bias Voltage  and Crystal Size11Patricia Schuster, UMPostdoctoral AssociateExploring Organic Scintillator Directionality: Theory and Applications12Kyle Weinfurther, NCSUGraduate AssociateMicrochannel Plate Characterization for use in a Single Volume Neutron Scatter Camera13Lazar Supic, UMPostdoctoral FellowImaging HEU with active interrogation14Marc Gerrit Paff, UMGraduate AssociateReducing medical isotope nuisance alarms in radiation portal monitors15Marc Ruch, UMGraduate AssociateProof of Principle Simulation of a Handheld Dual Particle Imager16Mateusz Monterial, UMGraduate AssociateSingle-View 3D Reconstruction of Gamma-Neutron Sources17Dr. Milos Burger, UMPostdoctoral FellowDevelopment of Plasma Diagnostics for Studies of Filamentation Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy18Mudit Mishra, NCSUGraduate AssociateFrequency domain multiplexing of multiple organic scintillator detectors19Nathan Giha, UMUndergraduate FellowPrototype Printed Circuit Board for Readout of a Handheld Dual Particle Imager20Niral P Shah, UMGraduate FellowTime Encoded Imaging for Nuclear Non-Proliferation21Fred Buhler, UMPostdoctoral FellowPre-Silicon Modeling of a Secure ADC for Treaty Verification22Robert Weldon, NCSUGraduate FellowStilbene Light Output Characterization and Channeling Effects23Anthony Christe, UHGraduate FellowExploring Real Time Temporospatial Infrasound Analysis24Ciara Sivels, UMGraduate FellowRadioxenon Modeling with MCNPX-PoliMi25Eric Becker, OSUPostdoctoral AssociateEight-channel Digital Spectrometer for Coincidence Measurements in Multi-element Detectors26Karina Asmar, UHGraduate FellowRocket infrasound signatures recorded with smartphones27Michael Howe, CUGraduate FellowImproved Locations for Teleseismic Earthquakes using Surface Waves28Paul G. Richards, CUCVT FacultyEvaluation of a seismic event, 12 May 2010, in North Korea29Paul G. Richards, CUCVT FacultyOn practical steps to extract seismic signals from nuclear explosive testing—underwater, in the atmosphere, and underground—from U.S. archives of analog seismograms30Ruaridh Macdonald, MITGraduate AssociateExtending the Privacy Funnel for Nuclear Warhead Verification Protocols31Shaun Clarke, UMAssociate Research ScientistLab collaborations and outreach activities32David Chichester, INLDirectorate FellowINL Resources and Capabilities to Support Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development33Ray Klann, PNNLPNNL – Your Nonproliferation R&D Partner34Ben Reimold, PUMinimally-Intrusive Verification: A Fresh Look at the Buddy-Tag ConceptACCOMMODATIONSUniversity of Michigan League HotelDistance to Workshop: 0 miles, onsite locationRooms Available: 6Rate: $135Room Block: “CVT Workshop”Phone: 734-764-3177911 N. University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1265, Ann ArborDistance to Workshop: 0.3 miles, walking time 5 minutesRooms Available: 20Room Block: “CVT Workshop”Rate: $159Phone: 734-769-2200615 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Inn, Ann Arbor SouthDistance to Workshop: 3 milesRooms Available: 20Rate: $111Room Block: “CVT Workshop”Phone: 734-665-5000925 Victors Way, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48108Booking Link: CVT Conference Booking Link – HAMPTON INN ANN ARBOR SOUTH Stay AmericaDistance to Workshop: 3 milesRooms Available: 20Rate: $87 (studio), $92 (deluxe)Room Block: “CVT Workshop”Phone: 734-997-76233265 Boardwalk Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 InnDistance to Workshop: 3 milesRooms Available: 20Rate: $111Room Block: “CVT Workshop”Phone: 734-995-52003285 Boardwalk Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 ANN ARBOR

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