【火腿快新闻】新品一箩筐 | Stryker SR-955HPC新款十米电台、便携式SDR 2.5等等,猛戳进来


Stryker SR-955HPC 10 Meter Radio

Stryker SR-955HPC 10米电台

PortableSDR 2.5 Debut!

便携式SDR 2.5首秀

Mobile Communications Center – Go Box by KI6AIX

移动通讯中心—Go Box(KI6AIX设计)

HAARP 2 Meter Antenna Review By M0OGY

HAARP 2米天线 M0OGY设计制作

Stryker SR-955HPC 10 Meter Radio

Stryker SR-955HPC 10米电台

10 Meter Radio SR-955HPC Important Features:

10 Meter 电台 SR-955HPC的一些重要特性:

High Power – You want talking power, right? The SR-955HPC easily produces 70+ watts PEP. If being heard is important to you, the SR-955HPC has the power needed to do some serious talking.


7-Color Frequency Display – The SR-955HPC features a 7-Color frequency display (Stryker 10 Meter Radio Exclusive)


Brilliant 7-Color LED Backlit Face Plate– Choose from 7 colors with the push of a button or let the CPU controller scan through all of the colors on it’s own. Our exclusive face plate design provides operators with back lighted controls, making adjustments even in the darkest conditions easy.


Dimmer Control– We listened to your feedback over the years and that’s why the SR-955HPC comes with a 32 position dimmer circuit with the lowest position turning the lights all the way off. If your eyes are sensitive to certain lights in the dark, this is a must have feature! It all available with our 10 meter radio dealers.

调光控制— SR-955HPC拥有32段调光控制,眼睛敏感也不怕了!

Clarifier – Our clarifier gives you the option of choosing if you want the fine control to be used only on receive or also on transmit. You can also select how much range the fine and coarse clarifies have.


Band / VFO – You can choose between using traditional band mode or VFO mode for continuous operation throughout the frequency range.

Band / VFO —你可以在全频率使用传统波段模式或CW的VFO模式。

PC Programmable – You can further customize your radio using your PC!


Digital Echo with/ Dual Front Mounted Controls – Provides the operator a much wider range of effects and control than typical factory or aftermarket echo boards. Our board can reproduce the human voice with virtually no distortion providing maximum clarity and enjoyment.And this what makes our product unique with ham radio dealers.


Six Roger Beeps – Six different roger beeps are included with the SR-955HPC. These are controlled using a switched that is located on the front panel. This is a feature that you will find on virtually no other radio direct from the factory. Most importantly you can create your own customizable roger beeps using our PC software and then load them on to the SR-955PHC’s on board memory!.


Variable Power Control – Allows the operator to adjust or vary their carrier from a two watt to over 70 watts PEP.


Variable Talk Back Control – The infamous talkback squeal is virtually eliminated with our independently controlled talk back circuitry. The operator can adjust the volume to the perfect level as operating conditions require. Best of all the user no longer has to turn down the microphone gain to stop the annoying squeal that is often the result of poor design or cost cutting at the production level.


Up-Armored™ Receiver– Our exclusive receiver protection works even under the harshest conditions, such as those experienced at a busy truck stop with many operators running high power radios. Also, our receiver filtering is tighter than most radios on the market. This means adjacent channel rejection is improved.


10 Meter Radio Stryker 955HPC Additional Features Include:

10米电台 Stryker 955HPC还包括一下特性:

  • Scan your favorite channels or frequencies


  • Large Square S/RF & SWR Meter


  • Advanced NB/ANL Circuit Reduces Interference


  • AM/FM/SSB Operation and PA Circuitry

    AM/FM/SSB 操作模式以及PA电路系统

  • Automatic calibrating SWR meter for precise measurements


  • Hi-Cut Noise Filter


  • Front microphone connector for easy mounting in tight spaces


  • Receive and Microphone gain controls


  • 3 Year Limited Factory Warranty

  • 3年工厂质保

  • Optional CTCSS Module

可选 CTCSS 亚音模块

PortableSDR 2.5 Debut!

便携式SDR 2.5首秀

Frequency coverage used to go up to about 37MHz. Now it can go from 80KHz to 175MHz, 183.5MHz to 236.67MHz, and 275MHz to 355MHz. So three more ham bands (6m, 2m, and 220MHz) FM broadcast band, aircraft band, and more are possible (no guarantees on the performance yet).

频率覆盖范围之前大约到37MHz,现在,可以从80KHz 到 175MHz, 183.5MHz 到 236.67MHz以及275MHz 到 355MHz。增加了三个业余无线电FM波段(6m, 2m, and 220MHz),航空波段以及更多的其他波段,但不保证能稳定接收。

A digital variable low pass filter that can be switched in for receive, transmit, or bypassed. The idea here is to knock out the harmonics on the transmit signal before amplification. So far it seems to work, but there is a lot of testing left to do. (only works from 5MHz to 72MHz)


A small transmit amplifier. Should get us as high as 250mW. External low-pass filtering will still be required for transmitting a clean signal.


Reset and Bootloader buttons. The Bootloader button means you can easily put the PSDR into DFU mode which will allow loading new firmware over USB (details are still being hammered out, but it does work)


Higher quality GPS module (though I’m not sure about the new antenna)


Not one, but TWO LEDs!


Also, looks better, fits better, and is way easier to assemble.


Mobile Communications Center – Go Box by KI6AIX

移动通讯中心—Go Box(KI6AIX设计)

Designed and built by Dennis, KI6AIX. This Mobile Comm Center features VHF and UHF two-way radios, a scanner, internal battery or power supply.

由Dennis, KI6AIX设计制作,这款移动通讯中心拥有UV双工电台,扫描仪,内置电池或电源供应。

HAARP 2 Meter Antenna Review By M0OGY

HAARP 2米天线 M0OGY设计制作




