【火腿快新闻】演练 | 飓风季来临前,美国WX4NHC业余无线电台都干些啥?


Annual Pre-Hurricane Season Station Test at WX4NHC Set for May 28


Now in its 36th year, WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, will conduct its annual NHC Station Test on Saturday, May 28. The event, which gets under way at 1400 UTC and wraps up at 2200 UTC, is conducted each year in advance of hurricaneseason.

已近走过了36个年头,本周六5月28日,WX4NHC将在在美国迈阿密的国家飓风中心(NHC)进行年度NHC站测试。该测试从14:00 UTC开始,并于22:00 UTC结束,每年在飓风季来临前美国都会开展这项测试活动。

“The purpose of this event is to test Amateur Radio Station equipment, antennas and computers prior to this year’s Hurricane Season, which starts June 1 and runs through November 30,” said WX4NHC Amateur Radio Assistant Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R. “This event is good practice for ham radio operators worldwide as well as National Weather Service (NWS) staff to become familiar with Amateur Radio communication available during times of severe weather.”

WX4NHC业余无线电助理协调员Julio Ripoll WD4R表示:“该活动的目的是测试业余电台设备、天线和电脑,在今年的飓风季到来之前(美国的飓风季一般从每年6月1日开始,贯穿至11月30日结束)“。“该活动是全球业余无线电爱好者练兵的好机会,同时也是美国国家气象局(NWS)的工作人员在恶劣天气到来之前熟悉业余无线电通信的好机会。”

The annual Station Test is not a contest or simulated hurricane exercise. WX4NHC will be on the air on various bands and modes. The station also often takes advantage of the test to perform operator training. WX4NHC will make brief contacts with participating stations to exchange signal reports and basic weather data. For example, stations may report “sunny” or “rain” or “cloudy” in describing the conditions at their locations.


Ripoll said WX4NHC will operate on HF, VHF, UHF, 2 meter 30 meter APRS, and available viaWinlink (subject line must contain “//WL2K”). “We will try to stay on the Hurricane WatchNet frequency of 14.325 MHz most of the time,” Ripoll said. He explained that due to space and equipment limitations, WX4NHC will deploy up to three operators per shift, so the station cannot be everywhere and on every mode simultaneously. “You may be able to find us on HF by using one of the DX spotting networks, such as such as My DX Summit,” he suggested.

Ripoll说WX4NHC将使用HF、VHF、UHF、2米30米APRS模式,可通过Winlink联系(主题必须包含“/ / WL2K”)。“我们大部分时间将在14.325 MHz飓风监测网频率,“Ripoll说。他解释说,由于空间和设备的限制,WX4NHC将安排三个操作员轮班,所以电台站不能无时无刻在每一个模式出现。他建议说“你可以发现我们在HF段使用一个DX热点网络,比如像DX峰会”。

WX4NHC also plans to be on the VoIP Hurricane Net from 2100 until 2200 UTC (IRLP node9219; EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203). In addition, the station will be active on South Florida VHF and UHF repeaters.

WX4NHC还计划从21:00UTC到22:00UTC在VoIP飓风网络(IRLP node9219;EchoLink WX-TALK会议节点7203)通联。此外,该站点将活跃在南佛罗里达VHF、UHF 中继器上。

QSL cards are available to participating stations via WD4R; include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Do not send cards to the National Hurricane Center.


Visit the WX4NHC website for more information about the station.






