【火腿快新闻】经典 | 火腿电影《生死频率》要翻拍成电视剧啦!(附:电影片段)

“Frequency” TV Series Now Planned for CW Network

CW Network计划拍摄《生死频率》又名:《黑洞频率》电视剧版



The buzz from Hollywood is that a TV series based on the 2000 movie “Frequency” now is in development on — appropriately enough for a show featuring ham radio — the CW. Amateur Radio served as a plot device in the movie and will do the same in the TV series.


In November 2014, The Hollywood Reporter indicated that NBC had committed to a “Frequency” series, but those plans apparently fell by the wayside.


Now, the CW has ordered a pilot episode of “Frequency,” and if the network does go forward with the project, the modern-day version of “Frequency” the TV series would feature a young female police detective named Raimy, who uses ham radio to communicate through time with her deceased father, played by Riley Smith. Actress Peyton List is said to have landed to role of Raimy, reprising Jim Caviezel’s movie character.

现在,CW Network 已经做好了《生死频率》电视剧的剧集拍摄预算,如果该项拍摄工程进展顺利,那么现代版的《生死频率》电视剧版剧集将是一个名为Raimy的年轻女警探使用业余无线电台跨越时空和她的已故的父亲(由 Riley  Smith饰演),演员Peyton List说她将饰演Raimy一角, 相当于电影中Jim Caviezel的角色。

When the original “Frequency” movie debuted, the ham radio theme and the chance to see vintage ham gear and real, glowing vacuum tubes on the big screen generated considerable interest within the Boat Anchor community.


The ARRL worked with the film’s producers.






