


本收藏为中华民国二年四川造币厂所铸的伍佰文双旗币,直径4.2厘米;重为:24.8克,钱面实心圈内正中铸“壹圆”字样,铸“壹圆”字样,铸“壹圆”一枚,直径4.2厘米,重为:24.8克,钱面实心圈内各一枚,铸“一元钱”字样,铸“一元钱”一枚,铸“一元后背为珠圈中部,珠圈内铸绘两副旗交叉而立,上端为“THE· REPUBOIC· OF· REPUBOIC· OF· CHINA”英文字样。

个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。


The Double Banner coins were coined in the Republic of China. The Republic of China has only existed in the history of China for several decades. Therefore, during the period of military chaos and frequent civil wars, the coins can still be preserved intact after endless years. This is indeed not easy, and it has very high collection value, historical and cultural value, and artistic value. Although there are many versions of coins in the Republic of China, these Quanzhen commemorative coins with the lettering of "Two Hundred Inscriptions" on the front and the double flags of "Republic of China" on the back are rare in today's coin collection market.
Two Flags Two Hundred Wen Red Copper Straight Tassels Edition shall be cast by a local warlord in Sichuan Province. In the early years of the Republic, the practice of Sichuan warlords setting up coinage factories without permission had not yet arisen. A few of them had not yet reached a certain scale. Most of them were purchased hand-cranking machines and were cast in small batches. Therefore, the coarse Shuangqi 200 Wenhong straight tassels version of the survival of quite small, or even less than the survival of brass straight tassels version. Two Flags Two Hundred Straight Tassel Edition, whether red or brass, can be divided into several small formats according to the size of the spike, the length of the awn, and the density of the wheat.
This collection is made in the second year of the Republic of China by the Sichuan Mint. The diameter of the coin is 4.2 cm, and the weight is 24.8 grams. In the center of the circle, the word "2Baiwen" is cast. The lower part of the circle is the ear of wheat. The year of the Republic of China is marked on the outside of the circle, and the word "Sichuan Mint" is marked on the bottom. There is a cross flower on each side. In the middle of the back is a bead ring, two pairs of banners stand cross inside the bead ring, above the bead ring for "the · REPUBOIC · OF · CHINA" English words, below the bead ring for "200CASH" English words.
This coin is natural, clear and elegant font, elegant style, circulation is very small, spread so far ten have not one, these two ROC two years two hundred literary double banner coins are intact, is rare, has a collection value!