英语原版阅读:Baby Bears


这篇阅读的题目是:Baby Bears


1.Baby bears are called cubs.


Baby bears 熊宝宝

2.Many cubs are born in the middle of winter when it is very cold.


Many cubs 许多小熊in the middle of winter 在隆冬

3.Mother bears often have twins.


Mother bears 熊妈妈

4.The babies are tiny and have no fur.


have no fur 没有毛

5.They stay snug and warm inside their mother's den.


stay snug and warm 呆得舒适温暖 their mother's den 他们妈妈的巢穴 inside their mother's den 他们妈妈的巢穴里

6.When spring comes, the cubs come out of the den with their mother.


come out of the den 一起从洞里出来with their mother 和妈妈


Baby Bears.mp30:19

Baby bears are called cubs. Many cubs are born in the middle of winter when it is very cold. Mother bears often have twins. The babies are tiny and have no fur. They stay snug and warm inside their mother's den. When spring comes, the cubs come out of the den with their mother.


1.When are many baby bears born?

a.in summer

b.in spring

c.in winter

2.Where are they born?

a.in a den

b.in the garden

c.under a tree

3.What are baby bears called?




4.When do cubs come out the den?

a.in spring

b.when it is cold

c.in summer



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