
“I‘m always busy”, he replied. "So hustle your little self out of here and put some food in it, and quit trying to distract me."

"I'm not going to do any such thing," she replied, her own anger rising at his apparant rudeness. "And I' ve told you that I'm not hungry."

It was a lie;she'd suddenly become absolutely ravenous. But she'd starve before admitting it to this mocking, arrogant man.

"If you're not hungry, you should be," he answered without looking up . "And as for the distraction, didn't you know your lip's showing?"

"But I'm not..." Dinah stopped, eyes flashing with rage as she caught herself looking down and raised her eyes again to meet the mocking laughter that rang in her ears. The sound followed her as she stumbled through the doorway and almost ran down the corridor to escape.

By the time she had botled a quick sandwich and a cup of tea, she had regained sufficient composure to return to the newsroom,but Conan Garth ignored her and she began sifting through the old files, studying them as she had the papers earlier in the day.

It was , however, too much to assimilated so quickly, and soon Dinah's mind began to wander over the chain of events that had brought her to this unwelcome position in Conan Garth's newsroom.

It was almost a year ago that she had first met her Uncle Jonathan , who had moved to Australia long before Dinah's birth. Jonathan was fifteen years older than her father, and had emigrated "down under" while his younger brother was still in primary school. During the years before Dinah was born, as a miner in the western deserts,  he had wandered Australia from one end to the other.







当她吃了一份三明治,喝了一杯茶时,才恢复了足够的镇静,回到编辑部,但柯南 咖什不再理她,她开始筛选旧文件,研读旧文件,就像她当天早些时候做的那样。

然而,这些太多了,不可能很快就处理完。很快戴娜就开始回想这一连串的把自己带到这个自己不被欢迎的柯南 咖什的新闻编辑室。



