今天分享raz-a的16-20,分别是“I save money”,“fruit colors”,“my dog”,“the forest”以及“hamster home”。
Raz-a-16 I save money
I save money是一册通过save这个行为来学习各式各样的money的书,当然这里的钱币只是美国的美元,我找了一份跟dollar有关的数学练习资源,以及人民币图片,有兴趣的朋友可以在公号回复raz-a-01获取。我们的拓展也是围绕存钱这个话题展开。
Do you want to save money?
Yes,I do.
Save the money in the piggy bank.
How much money have you saved?
I saved five cents.
Raz-a-17 fruit colors
Fruit colors是一册通过颜色来对水果分类的书,每一种颜色都有好几种水果展示,在孩子能力达到的情况下,家长可以让孩子尝试说过每种颜色的水果有哪些,可以不局限于此。
What are the Yellow fruits?
Which fruits are green?
Which kind of red fruit do you like best?
Raz-a-18 my dog
My dog是一册通过小狗会做什么展示小狗生活习性的书。家里养宠物的朋友可以让孩子尝试将宠物的特点用he/she can句型简单描述。恬恬的宠物只有乌龟,所以用乌龟做了拓展,另外,家里如没有宠物的,也可以用公仔或者家庭成员代替。
What does a turtle do?
My turtle can swim.
Can a bird swim?
I can read English.
Dad can drive.
Mom can play games.
Raz-a-19 the forest
The forest是一册介绍森林的动植物的书,全篇单词简单无难度,不过读到stream这个单词时,恬恬发出了质疑?为什么不是river?我顺便做了解释。River通常指大一些的河流,比如Yellow River,Yangtze River等,而stream一般是比较小的河流,小溪等。
What animals are there in the forest?
What plants are there in the forest?
We need to preserve the forest.
The forest is on fire.
I want to explore the forest.
Raz-a-20 hamsterhome
Where do you live?
Can you bounce the ball?
What glass do you use to drink water?
I like to drink water from a straw cup.
Where do you sleep?
What games do you like to play at home?