锂离子电池组是归到9类危险品里面 UN3480。上海力胜王博
inner packing Code Description
ARS Aerosols BG Bags, water-resistant
CINN Securely closed inner packagings CNS Can, cylindrical CSM Cushioning material
DIV Dividers FB Fibre FBBG Fibre bags FBBX Fibreboard boxes FBRR Fibreboard receptacles, water-resistant
FBRT Fibreboard receptacles FBSH Fibreboard sheets, corrugated
FBTB Fibreboard tubes FBTR Fibreboard trays fitted with dividing partitions
GL Glass GLBT Glass bottles GLFL Glass flasks GLRT Glass receptacles
INN Inner packaging MT Metal MTBT Metal bottles MTCN Metal can MTCNS Metal cans
MTFL Metal flasks MTRT Metal receptacles MTTB Metal tubes
N/A Not necessary OTH Other suitable inner packaging, other than metal
PAT Partitions PDIV Dividing partitions PL Plastics PLBG Plastics bags PLBGC Plastics bags, conductive
PLBT Plastics bottles PLBX Plastics boxes PLFL Plastics flasks PLRT Plastics receptacles
PLRTC Plastics receptacles, conductive PLSH Plastics sheets PLTB Plastics tubes
PLTR Plastics trays fitted with dividing partitions PP Paper PPBG Paper bags PPBGK Paper bags, kraft
PPBGO Paper bags, water- and oil-resistant PPBGR Paper bags, multiwall, water-resistant
PPBGW Paper bags, waterproofed PPL Plastic packaging PPRT Paper receptacles
PPSH Paper sheets PPSHK Paper sheets kraft PPSHR Paper sheets, water-resistant PPSHW Paper sheets, waxed
RBBG Rubber bags RBBGC Rubber bags, conductive RBRTC Rubber receptacles, conductive RGPL Rigid plastics
RLS Reels SPLBG Single plastic bag ST Steel TIN Tin TXBG Textile bags TXBGP Textile bags, plastic coated or lined
TXBGR Textile bags, rubberized TXBGS Textile bags, sift-proof TXSHR Textile sheets, rubberized
WDBX Wood boxes WDRT Wood receptacles WDRTS Wood receptacles, sift-proof
WDTR Wood trays fitted with dividing partitions WINN Water-resistant inner packaging WVBG Woven plastics bags
WVBGS Woven plastics bags, sift-proof WVRTS Woven plastics receptacles, sift-proof