后台有人留言:求推荐对生信比较nice的期刊,要求影子因子在2-3之间。好的,马上安排。最近有朋友在一个期刊上连续有两篇文章被接收了,这个期刊就是:BIOSCIENCE REP,BIOSCIENCE REP的影响因子为:2.942,一个准3分的期刊。根据朋友的投稿经验,从投稿到接收的周期在2-3个月,可能会因为稿件数量,寻找审稿人的速度上会有所差异。这个期刊在2012年之后,完全成为OA期刊,需要收取1705美金的版面费。Fees for Bioscience Reports: As this is a full OA journal, all articles follow the Gold OA route and carry a charge of £1,210; $1,705; € 1,430. Biochemical Society members or if your institution has an active subscription to a Portland Press journal are offered a discounted rate of £970; $1,365; € 1,145. Charges are waived for invited articles.

We welcome papers that span disciplines, including papers that focus on the following:
The physical properties and structure of basic molecules that make up living organisms
Pathways, chains of reactions and interactions between molecules in living processes
Genetic processes
Biological networks
The components, processes, and interactions of cells
Developmental and evolutionary processes in cells
Physiological systems and clinical/medical science