

译者按:本文翻译自领英系列博文。该作者Anders Liu-Lindberg毕业于哥本哈根商学院,系丹麦咨询公司BPI(Business Partnering Institute)合伙人兼COO和CMO,对BP体系有深刻的理解和实际工作经验。本文旨在帮助转型财务BP的群体快速进入角色,区分该岗位与传统财务的不同之处。
  • How Finance Business Partners Improve Company Performance?财务BP如何帮助公司改善业绩
Following my recent series on finance business partnering I was asked to summarize what it is a finance business partner actually does?  I have been writing about what finance business partnering really is and what a finance business partner should do first thing once started in the job. However, put in the simplest terms what is a finance business partner doing?
严格来说广义的财务BP并不是某个具体岗位的名字,而是公司对某个中后台部门的期望,希望这个部门在业务部门面前扮演的角色(Role)。对人力资源管理理论有些了解的人应该知道,一般大公司HR部门发布岗位职责或招聘启事,都把工作职责清单命名为“Roles & Responsibilities”(角色与责任),可见责任(即日常做什么工作)是由角色而定的。
很多企业会把这类岗位命名为FP&A(财务计划分析),Business Controller(业务监控/管理),PFC(Project Financial Controller,项目财务管理)等等,其实这些岗位的角色都可以被理解为就是财务BP。
There is no doubt about that if you look at job descriptions for the role when companies are hiring they are doing many things. I looked through 23 job ads on LinkedIn where companies were hiring finance business partners. The top 5 responsibilities were.
在求职的时候,求职者无疑会先阅读公司的岗位描述(job descriptions),这当中就有很多信息。我查阅了领英上23个财务BP相关的招聘信息,下列是出现频率最高的5个工作职责:
  • Forecasting or Budgeting
  • 预测与预算
  • Management Reporting
  • 管理报告
  • Performance Management
  • 业绩管理
  • Strategic Plans
  • 战略规划
  • Financial Analysis
  • 财务数据分析
In total, I identified 30 unique tasks and these are only the more hard-core ones whereas the ones relating to influencing are too intangible to count.
  • What’s special about finance business partners? 财务BP特殊在哪儿?
It’s clear from above that these responsibilities finance business partners have in common with a range of other positions such as financial analysts or business controllers. So what makes finance business partners different from these related positions? In my experience, I would put it up like this.
*The finance business partner is not involved in the execution
First of all finance business partners manage performance through analysis of the numbers. They couple the analysis with their knowledge of the business to present recommendations to management or the functions they partner with. They can present several options but typically they should present a recommended option. Management will make its decisions based on the recommendations and the finance business partner will assist in the tactical planning of the initiatives resulting from the recommendations.
At this point they leave it to the frontline to execute on the initiatives but follow up on a monthly or any other agreed upon interval in terms of if the initiatives yield the expected results. This takes them back to performance management. If the initiatives yield the expected results then there is no need for additional actions. However, if things are not moving in the right direction they should discuss with the frontline and present new recommendations for corrective actions. All in all it’s quite simple but it requires trust from management and a good collaboration with the frontline.
  • How does it compare with what companies are looking for? 与公司的需求相比?
When doing forecasting and budgeting what you do is you chart the course for the coming period be it a year, a quarter, a week, etc. Based on that you propose some recommended actions let’s say investments or cost savings initiatives for the coming period.
Management will decide what is needed to reach the performance promised to the shareholders and leave it with you and the frontline to get the results.
This aligns well with being involved in the strategic planning. You will then move on to reporting progress on agreed upon initiatives i.e. management reporting and in case things are not progressing as planned you resolve to financial analysis to figure out what is going wrong. In fact, most of what companies were expecting from their finance business partners had some sort of flavour of above.
  • Isn’t it still somewhat fluffy? 是不是仍觉得有些抽象?
I’ll give you an example of how this would look like. In one of my previous assignments I was overseeing the performance of a company. At one point I found out that the escalations we had in our contracts (typically a duration of 3-5 years) was not adequately covering the cost increases we were facing. I discussed these concerns with the business and while it did cause some stir they agreed that we should look into it.
Together with the Commercial function we analysed the correlation between market rates and labour costs in the specific geography we were doing business in. We found out that over a long period of time (5+ years) there was a quite strong correlation between the two. However, in a shorter period of time (2-3 years) the correlation was practically non-existent.
That naturally meant, which is not exactly rocket science, that for shorter contracts we needed a higher risk premium compared to long-term contracts. We could also make a fairly accurate assessment of how much of a difference in the premium was required. Armed with this new knowledge Commercial was now better prepared for future contract negotiations and actually found out that of two recently signed contracts the profitability on each was much different than assumed.
That basically left me with just managing the performance of the new contracts and describing how we were now yielding better results.
  • The importance of the finance business partner cycle.财务BP循环圈。
The way I see it, following the cycle as described above is quite essential for a finance business partner. First of all, it gives the finance business partner a structured methodology to work from, but just as importantly it helps them understand what tasks they shouldn’t be doing.
This gives them clear priorities and helps them identify where they can add value. It also tells them what skills are needed to be successful. Being analytical, ability to communicate and stakeholder management would be the most important ones.
  • tips to the new finance business partner.给每位财务BP新人的7个小贴士。
What should you actually do when you start in a finance business partner role? Here are 7 tips to the new finance business partner.
Start by getting to know your stakeholders. To be an effective finance business partner, you need to manage all your stakeholders well so you need to develop an in-depth understanding of them early on.
Challenge the current numbers. The fast track to failure as a finance business partner is presenting wrong numbers or analyses to the business. Start by reviewing the data flows to see if there is a high degree of transparency and if the numbers are generally understood and accepted by the business.
Learn about the business. If you don’t know the business well already start by spending time in the frontline. If you are part of an international company go see how your company works in other parts of the world.
Pick your best humble attitude. If you want to get buy-in from the business you need to recognize and communicate that finance is a support function and that you are not here to run the business. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t challenge the business by any means, but simply that you are only successful if the business is successful.
Insist on getting out from your desk and get together with the business. There is much debate about reporting lines for finance business partners (business leaders vs. the finance function), but no matter what you need to spend as much time with the business as possible. Physically sit with them a couple of times a week so you can develop a good relationship with them.
Don’t panic about creating results from day 1 all on your own. Finance business partners are expected to deliver value, but you do so by facilitating and communicating as well as analysing how the business runs.
Don’t ask frontline managers what you can help them with. You are expected to figure this one out on your own most of the time. You do so by participating in meetings and talking with the business and picking up on what’s said between lines. Frontline managers will be quite impressed if you can “read” their minds.
  • You are the new face of finance.当你作为财务新面孔。
As the finance business partner, you are expected to take charge of finance and give it a good image amongst frontline managers. Finance is their partner and someone they can count on to help deliver business results.
They are no longer just naysayers who don’t have the slightest idea the business and what the frontline managers are doing. Finance now wants to be part of the business and the finance business partner needs to take them there. It’s a tall order, but you can find a bit of comfort in the fact that most companies still haven't managed to get the desired value out of the business partner concept.
That means you have a great chance of surprising and impressing both the CFO and the frontline.
