
“Typical N.C.D.C. garbage,”Mick amounced to nobody in particular. “They’ve annouced the final report on the Tuggeranong Expressway, or Parkway, or whatever they’re calling it this week.Film’s no hell... maybe thirty seconds if you’re lucky or desperate.” He turned to Conan Garth: “Your film’s ready, and they want you in Graphics if you get a minute.Suppose I’ve missed the tea-lady?”

“Yes, and you’ll have to go without, unless you can persuade Miss Fisher here to fetch and carry for you,” replied Conan Garth. “The phones have been going wild and I’ve got people to see before I start editing. Bruce will be here at five, which probably means five-thirty, so it’s on your shoulders until then. When will your film be ready?”

“It’ll be done by five and it’s the last stuff today, so no worries,”Mick replied, then turned to Dinah. “Black coffee with three sugars, if you don’t mind, love.”

You’ll have to be nicer than that,” Garth interjected in a sarcastic tone. “Miss Fisher isn’t content with just being a secretary any more;she’s decided to be a journalist.” His mocking laughter flowed through the doorway behind him, and although Dinah followed him with hot words on her own lips, he had disappeared down into the maze of corridors before she could speak.

And when he finally returned a few minutes before the evening news ,it was clearly no time to take up the discussion again. In the rush to deadlines, there was no room for personal discussions. The telephones rang off their hooks, voices were raised in frustration and anger, and Dinah’s most sensible contribution was simply to stay out of the way.

Conan Garth had thrown off his suitcase and rolled up the sleeves of his immaculate white shirt, and was busy collting the news bulletin when Bruce, the third journalist, strolled in.It was five-fifteen,and Dinah tensed as she waited for the expected blast, but it didn’t come.

典型的N.C.D.C.的垃圾,米克并没有针对某个人说。他们已经把最后的报告写在了图格龙高速路,或者公园路,或者他们本周所称的任何东西上。胶卷没有地狱……如果你幸运或者绝望的话,也许也就30秒。他转向柯南 喀什:你的胶卷已经准备好了,如果你有一分钟的时间,他们想要你到格哈费科去一下。看来我错过了端茶小姐?”

“是的,你不得不讲究一下了,除非你能说服费雪小姐去给你端一杯,”柯南 喀什回答说。“电话一直都打疯了,在我开始编辑之前,我要找人看着。布鲁斯会在五点的时候到,那很可能意味着五点半,所以五点前,事情得靠你们了。你的胶卷什么时候准备好?”


“你必须要比这更好,”喀什用一种讽刺的语气说。“费雪小姐并不满足于仅仅当一名秘书,她决定当一名记者了。”他的笑声从他身后的门上穿过,尽管戴娜已经想好了满嘴的回复他的愤怒 的话,但他在她说话之前就已经消失在迷宫般的走廊里了。


Conan Garth扔掉了他的手提箱,卷起了他那一尘不染的白衬衫的袖子,忙着整理新闻,这时,第三个记者布鲁斯溜达着进来了。这时5点15分,戴娜在等待着期望中的爆发,她非常地紧张,但它终于没有爆发。



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