参考范文2 | 1月17日雅思考试大作文:人们浪费食物的原因及解决办法?





In some countries, people waste a lot of food at their homes or in shops or restaurants.What do you think are the reasons?What can be done to solve this problem?



<Introduction> 摆脱八股(八股的方式通常是先转述一下题目)的开头段落行文脉络:Behind the waste of food, 题目给出的信息被浓缩到此处 which is upsetting, ironically, are two major improvements.  经典的倒装形式 This paradox however does not have to exist. ← 故意把话反过来说

<Body> [行文总脉络:针对一个原因找到一个对应的解决方案] ←First, improved  这个词很重要,故意对应开头段落里的improvements] farming and breeding produce redundant products. 接下来拆到细节说明一下,但是不是科学化的讨论,而是常识水平的说明  With technology developed to a point where crops and livestock products are excessively produced, it is inevitable that people are unable to consume all of what they are provided. ←长难句:独立主格结构作状语的部分既说到了科技进步又说到了过度生产,主句部分直接说明了浪费的情况 As we seem to be aware of where the problem is – the excess production, we know at which point the problem should be solved. ← 用一个句子而不是用一个词/词组衔接 Since we are technologically-enabled to produce in enormous quantities and everyone is well fed, it would make no sense that technology is not used in other way around to curb the production. ←长难句:原因状语从句 + 主句部分是主语从句。例证延展一下信息,也是凑字→ For example, safe chemicals may be used to limit the yield of produce, and the number of chickens, cattle and pigs can be cut.

Second, improved ← 这个词很重要,故意对应开头段落里的improvements] financial capability of individual households is also to blame. People nowadays have more income at their disposal and therefore are prone to overspend, typically on food. However, many of them overestimate their appetite, and the leftover eventually goes to the trash bin. In response, when we make a purchase in a market or place an order in a restaurant, it is advisable that we do not be too generous. The less lavish are we, the less likely is the waste of food.

<Conclusion> At this point,← 让结尾段也不显得孤立的逻辑连接词 the two reasons that account for the waste of food are crystal clear. Meanwhile, the overflowing production and wasteful consumption can be corrected.

