Safari guides take people to look for giraffes. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the park. They have very long legs and very long neck (特征细节). The guides know where to find giraffes. They often find a group of giraffes feeding on trees (习性细节). A group of giraffes has male, female and baby giraffes. The guides stop the jeep when they see giraffes. Male giraffes are taller than the females. A male giraffe can feed on very tall trees. (区别)
比如这篇关于safari之旅的书本,就跟随着safari guide的脚步,近距离观察大象、河马、长颈鹿和鸵鸟的外貌特征和生活习性,"The guides stop the jeep when they see a group of xxx"这句话重复出现,且每一段都说到了male和female的内容。
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当总结一次阅读的时候,孩子们其实就可以用自己的语言定义他们觉得最重要的内容。不过有的时候,很容易在retell和summarize之间迷失。这个并不要着急,summarize的能力随着对阅读内容深度、语法的掌握会逐渐加强,对于早期的nonfiction阅读,很好的一个办法就是在title上做延伸造句。比如《On safari》是这个文章的title,我们就可以用On a safari trip, people find a few anmials like elephant, giraffe, hippo and ostrich来总结。