绝地求生被封神,外国网友:只怪DOTA不给力 | 游戏论坛

这意味着PUBG击败了之前的1,295,114的同时在线玩家人数记录 – 这个记录曾由Valve的常青MOBA类游戏 Dota 2持有。
在大约三个星期的时间里,battle royale通过努力也成为Steam上最多人玩过的游戏,再次击败了Dota 2。
“我们在Steam上已经实现了目前最高峰值的同时在线的玩家数量”,PUBG的创始人PlayerUnknown说道。 “我真诚的感谢所有的玩家和PUBG的工作队伍。”
PUBG在六个月前通过Early Access推出,迄今,该游戏已售出1000多万份。在微软的帮助下,该游戏很快就会在Xbox One上登陆。

@Adam Khan:This game continues to surprise. I wonder whatthe ceiling is on this? Can it reach CS:GO level numbers?
@ChadZ O reply@Adam Khan: maybe youjust quickly read the news but...
yeah well like the title says it broke "the all-time Steam concurrentplayer record"
top 3:
1) Battlegrounds
2) Dota 2
3) CS:Go
Battlegrounds had more than 2x the number of concurrent players CS:GO ever had.
回复@Adam Khan :你可能看得太快了…第一是绝地求生,第二是DOTA2,第三是CSGO,而绝地求生已经差不多是CSGO的两倍同时在线玩家数量了…
@Steven Pfaff:PUBG with no anti cheat or some worsesgit,soon dead:)
@Trooper:Yes I am one of those 1.3 million. I never usually buy early access games as the majoity of them are coplete garbage or turn out to have terrible business models. I also never buy multiplayer only titles due to the fact that when the servers eventually get shut down you are left with a useless piece of software.
This was gifted to me so I haven't got any financial investment in it at all and I can absolutely see the reason why it is as popular as it is.
The mechanics are similar to Arma but as easy as Counterstrike to understand, the choice of having single, duo or squad games is a brilliant touch in my opinion so you can practice on a server alone (so your friends don't see how bad you are :P ) against 99 other combatants or join up with a mate or two to see how good your teamwork is.
I would suggest to anyone thinking about buying this to give it a shot (excuse the pun) as you have nothing really to lose -you either really like it or you refund it.
我会建议任何想买这个的人给它一个机会,因为你没有什么真正的可以失去的 - 你真的很喜欢这个游戏,或者你可以选择退款。
@Ado:Dota is toxic for sure. Played a lot, now hardly. It turned from a great MOBA where you could actually have some thrill expecting the items to drop as you gain levels,while now it's just a money grab and commercial garbage with 0 drops. It would have been a better game if it were paid like PUBG.That aside free game means toxic kids playing and ruining the game for others because there are no repercussions.