



1. will/shall+动词原形  

will 在陈述句中用于各种人称;shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。

否定式:will not=won't;shall not=shan't



I will/shall do a better job next time. 下次我要做得好些。

Oil and water will not mix. 油和水没法混在一起。

—Will he help you with your English tonight? 今天晚上他会帮助你学习英语吗?

—Yes, he will./No, he won't. 是的,他会。/不,他不会。

—When will you arrive for America? 你什么时候去美国?

—Tomorrow. 明天。

2. am/is/are going to +动词原形

否定式:am/is/are not going to +动词原形

一般疑问式:am/is/are +主语+ going to + 动词原形+其他?


He is going to spend his holidays in London. 他打算在伦敦度假。

Look at the dark clouds. There is going to be a storm. 看那乌云,快要下雨了。

Is he going to collect any data for us? 他会帮我们收集数据吗?

What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算作什么?


will+动词原形与am/is/are going to +动词原形的用法虽然都表示将来发生动作或情况,一般情况下能互换。但它们的用法是有区别的。

1. will主要用于在以下三个方面:


They will go to visit the factory tomorrow.


I’ll come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.



Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be Sunday.


He will be thirty years old this time next year.



—Mary has been ill for a week.


—Oh, I didn't know. I will go and see her.


2. be going to主要用于一下两个方面:


Dad and I are going to watch an opera this afternoon.



Look! There come the dark clouds. It is going to rain.



1. 用现在进行时表示将来。


The bus is coming. 公交车就要来了。

The students are leaving on Sunday. 学生们星期日出发。

We’re having a party next week. 我们下星期将开一个晚会。

2. 用一般现在时表示将来。

(1)come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等瞬时位移动词的一般现在时可以表示将来含义,主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。

The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. 火车明天上午六点开。


I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我到了那里,就写信给你。

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will have a party in the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们就在公园举行一个聚会。

There be结构的一般将来时

肯定式:There will be;There is/are going to be

否定式:There won't be;There is/are not going to be

一般疑问式:Will there be...;Is/are there going to be...


There will be a basketball match this afternoon.

=There is going to be a basketball match this afternoon.


There won't be a basketball match this afternoon.

=There isn't going to be a basketball match this afternoon.


Will there be a basketball match this afternoon?

=Is there going to be a basketball match this afternoon?


When will there be a basketball match?

=When is there going to be a basketball match?



(   ) 1.  There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will be going to

B. will going to be

C. is going to be

D. will go to be

(   ) 2.  Charlie ________ here next month.

A. isn't work

B. doesn't working

C. isn't going to working

D. won't work

(   ) 3.  He ______ very busy this week, he_____free next week.

A. will be; is

B. is; is

C. will be; will be

D. is; will be

(   ) 4.  There_______ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A. was

B. is going to have

C. will have

D. is going to be

(   ) 5. —_____ you ______ free tomorrow?

—No. I _____ free the day after tomorrow.

A. Are; going to; will

B. Are; going to be; will

C. Are; going to; will be

D. Are; going to be; will be

(   ) 6.  Mother_____ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives

B. will give

C. gives

D. give

(   ) 7. —Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?

—________. (不,不要。)

A. No, you won't.

B. No, you aren't.

C. No, please don't.

D. No, please.

(   ) 8. —Where is the morning paper?

—I ________ if for you at once.

A. get

B. am getting

C. to get

D. will get

(   ) 9.  ________ a concert next Saturday?

A. There will be

B. Will there be

C. There can be

D. There are

(   ) 10. If they come, we ________ a meeting.

A. have

B. will have

C. had

D. would have

(   ) 11. He ________ her a beautiful hat on her next birthday.

A. gives

B. gave

C. will giving

D. is going to give

(   ) 12. He ________ to us as soon as he gets there.

A. writes

B. has written

C. will write

D. wrote

(   ) 13. He ________ in three days.

A. coming back

B. came back

C. will come back

D. is going to coming back

(   ) 14. If it ________ tomorrow, we'll go roller-skating.

A. isn't rain

B. won't rain

C. doesn't rain

D. doesn't fine

(   ) 15. —Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?

—No, ________ (不去)

A. they willn't.

B. they won't.

C. they aren't.

D. they don't.


1. C 2. D  3. D 4. D 5. D     

6. B 7. C  8. D 9. B 10. B    

11. D 12. C  13. C 14. C 15. B 



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