雅思口语| 来自Ellen show的6个地道表达

clap anytime I enter the room 我一走进来他们就会掌声如潮

They would laugh at my jokes and clap anytime I entered the room. They'd clap when I'd leave the room. 我讲了笑话,他们会捧腹大笑。任何时候只要我一走进来,他们就会掌声如潮。连我离开的时候他们也要鼓掌。

thank goodness 谢天谢地

But in a nice way, not like, thank goodness that lady is gone away. 不过是喜欢的那种,不是说谢天谢地她终于走了。

be back in the studio 回演播室

I can't wait to be back in the studio with them. 我真的迫不及待想回演播室见到他们。

be one of the tapings 当过现场录制的观众

Anybody who has been to one of the tapings knows. 任何当过现场观众的人都知道。

faces that you never ever forget永远都不会忘记的面孔

There are some faces that you never ever forget. 有些永远都不会忘记的面孔。

You know what they say 俗话说

Oh, you know what they say, you never forget how to ride a bike. 俗话说,你永远不会忘记怎么骑自行车。

