





Remembering a robot



Remembering a robot


Obituary: The Mars Rover was declared lost on February 12th


Humankind’s longest-lived emissary to Mars outlasted expectations by a factor of ten




It travelled more than 500m kilometres simply as a passenger, sleeping dreamless, vacuum-packed. The five-and-a-half-month voyage was devoid of all interest until the very end, when the spacecraft lost 20,000kph of its velocity in just over six minutes as it plunged through an alien sky to the desert below. Parachutes spread and airbags deployed. The package bounced, rolled and came to rest.


Four hours after landing on January 25th 2004, it opened its eyes. Its makers, back on Earth, looked through them at a landing site as perfect as they could have wished for. Opportunity’s landing on Meridiani Planum, a little south of the Martian equator, had not been a particularly precise affair—it could have come down anywhere in an ellipse some 100km long and 18km wide. But by chance the spot where it had ended up, about 25km from the centre of the target, was inside a small crater dug out by a meteorite impact. On the side of that crater the scientists saw straight away the distinctive strata of sedimentary rock. Nothing of the sort had ever before been seen beyond the Earth. It was exactly the type of thing the robot had been sent to find.


Opportunity was officially mer-b, the second of the two rovers of the Mars Exploration Rover programme; mer-a, Spirit, had landed a few weeks earlier in the great Gusev Crater, almost half the planet away. Unofficially, it was Oppy, and often a she. The two rovers’ missions were due to last 90 sols—a sol being the 24 hours and 40 minutes it takes Mars to turn on its axis. Faced with that time limit, Opportunity’s minders were thrilled not to have to spend any of those precious sols just looking for interesting rocks.



sols: 是用于火星测量时间的专业名词

For the first 56 sols, Opportunity never strayed more than ten metres from that propitious landing site. It took pictures with its various cameras, ground holes with its little rasping drill, dug a trench by spinning one wheel while it kept the others locked, measured the spectra of various minerals. The scientists concluded that the sediments they saw had been laid down in a salty dying sea. If that had been all Opportunity had ever told them, the mission would have been counted a great success.

在前56个火星日,机遇号一直在这个有利着陆点的10米范围内行走。她用自身配备的各种相机拍摄岩壁照片;用小锉钻在岩壁上钻孔;其他轮子锁定的同时,一个轮子旋转着在岩壁上开挖出一个堑壕;测量各种矿物的光谱。科学家推断,沉积岩所处的地方曾经是一片正在消失的含盐海洋。即使 机遇号传回来的信息仅止于此,这项任务也是取得了巨大的成功。

But on Sol 57, it ventured out into the wider world.


Guided by pictures from satellites above, Opportunity headed for a deeper crater, Endurance, a kilometre or so away. It drove down into it and looked around further, poking and prodding for the rest of the year. A human geologist might have accomplished as much or more by way of assessment in a leisurely afternoon. But the nearest human geologists were on another planet, and likely to remain there for some decades to come.


After climbing back out of Endurance—no one had known whether it would be able to—Opportunity was sent off to inspect the jettisoned heat-shield that had protected it as it burned down through the Martian atmosphere, now a glinting monument on the pockmarked plain. It was not the only thing that had fallen from the sky. As it rolled on, Opportunity came across a meteorite, its lithology distinctively un-Martian. Later it took a little video of Phobos, the larger of Mars’s small moons, passing as a shadow across the face of the Sun.


On Sol 946, in September 2006, Opportunity reached Victoria Crater, seven kilometres from its landing site, 800 metres across. Its makers knew that the 90-sol lifetime they had promised for Opportunity and Spirit was conservative, a low bar to ensure some kudos for “mission accomplished”. But none had expected it to be surpassed by a factor of ten.


That said, it had not all been plain rolling. Opportunity had spent a few harrowing sols stuck in sand at Purgatory Ripple; later, one of its steering motors failed. While it was exploring Victoria it was caught in a global dust-storm that cut it off from Earth and covered its solar panels with dirt. Happily, though, the same winds that drove the storms also blew the panels clean, or cleaner, after their passing. A joint in the shoulder of its robot arm, dicky since the mission started, finally seized up.

即便如此,机遇号在火星也并非一帆风顺。她曾陷在炼狱(Purgatory Ripple)沙丘中,熬过了几个火星日;后来,一个转向马达又坏了。探索维多利亚撞击坑时,她遇上了一场全球性的沙尘暴,切断了与地球的联系,太阳能电池板上也布满了火星灰。不过,幸运的是,沙尘暴过后,掀起沙尘暴的飓风也把电池板吹干净了,甚至比之前更干净。自任务开始以来,机器人肩膀上的一个关节就出现了故障,最终失灵。

On March 30th 2011, Sol 2,155 of its mission to Gusev, Spirit failed to check in with Earth by radio as scheduled; it was never heard from again. Opportunity continued its long trek to Endeavour crater, 1,000 times larger than the crater in which it had started off. The point where it reached the rim was named Spirit Point, in memoriam. On August 6th 2012 a newer, bigger rover, Curiosity, landed at the foot of Aeolis Mons, thousands of kilometres away. Opportunity looked after itself for nine days to allow the scientists and engineers to make a fuss of the newcomer, then set out to study the intriguing smectite clays that a European orbiter had detected on Cape York, a peak further along Endeavour’s rim.

2011年3月30日,第2155个火星日,在古谢夫陨石坑(Gusev)执行任务的“勇气号”,未能如期通过无线电与地球取得联系;从此便杳无音信。机遇号继续长途跋涉,前往“奋进撞击坑”(Endeavour crater),这个撞击坑比她一开始降落的陨石坑大1000倍。为了纪念“勇气号”,机遇号到达的撞击坑边缘被命名为“勇气点”。2012年8月6日,更先进、更大的漫游者“好奇号”,在数千公里外的伊奥利亚蒙斯山脚下着陆。科学家和工程师们对这个新来者关怀备至,以致晾在一边的机遇号自力更生了9天,然后出发前往勘探奇趣的蒙脱石粘土层。这种粘土是一颗欧洲人造卫星在约克角(Cape York)探测到的。约克角是奋进号北缘的一处更远的山峰。

In Perseverance Valley


As the unexpected years went by, Opportunity continued along the hilly rim of Endeavour until it came to Perseverance Valley, which cuts through towards the crater floor. It was heading down the valley when, on June 10th 2018—Sol 5,111, well over seven Martian years of service—another dust storm cut it off from Sun and Earth. When, after months, the global storm subsided, the rover’s minders, now family, waited for its solar panels to be blown clean. It appears they were not. After over 1,000 messages attempting to restore contact, Opportunity was declared lost on February 12th.


If more than a handful of people ever get to explore Mars in person, surely one day someone will follow its tracks down Perseverance, looking for the mast on which its cameras are mounted—separated for stereoscopy, easily anthropomorphised—to honour a pioneer who travelled far and provided insight after insight into the history of Mars. Until then, imagine her as she was photographed by the orbiting HiRise camera after first reaching the scalloped rim of Victoria, looking down onto its rolling dunes: a tiny speck perched on a promontory peak, a new planet swimming before her eagle eyes, watched in silence from the skies.



High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment,高分辨率成像科学实验照相机








Li Xia, 女, 爱爬山的自由翻译,美食狂人












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