

Tendinitis may affect the tibialis posterior tendon following medial malleolar fractures. It should be prevented by accurate reduction, if necessary at surgery. Rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon may occur 6–12 weeks after a fracture of the lower radius. Direct suture is seldom possible and the resulting disability is treated by transferring the extensor indicis proprius tendon to the distal stump of the ruptured thumb tendon. Late rupture of the long head of biceps after a fractured neck of humerus usually requires no treatment.


Nerve compression may damage the lateral popliteal nerve if an elderly or emaciated patient lies with the leg in full external rotation. Radial palsy may follow the faulty use of crutches. Both conditions are due to lack of supervision.

Bone or joint deformity may result in local nerve entrapment with typical features such as numbness or paraesthesia, loss of power and muscle wasting in the distribution of the affected nerve. Common sites are: (1) the ulnar nerve, due to a valgus elbow following a malunited lateral condyle or supracondylar fracture; (2) the median nerve, following injuries around the wrist and (3) the posterior tibial nerve, following fractures around the ankle. Treatment is by early decompression of the nerve; in the case of the ulnar nerve this may require anterior transposition.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P721


Tendinitis /,tendi'naitis/n. 腱炎

tibialis posterior tendon 胫后肌腱

tibial /'tibiəl/adj. 胫骨的

medial malleolar fractures内踝骨折 /mə'li:ələ/adj. 踝的

the extensor pollicis longus tendon拇长伸肌腱


extensor  /ɪkˈstensər,ekˈstensər/n. 伸肌

Rupture /ˈrʌptʃər/n. 破裂;决裂;疝气vt. 使破裂;断绝;发生疝vi. 破裂;发疝气

the extensor indicis proprius tendon指固有伸肌腱


proprius 固有的

stump  /stʌmp/vt. 砍伐;使为难;在…作巡回政治演说n. 树桩;残余部分;假肢

the long head of biceps 二头肌的长头

/ˈbaɪseps/n. 二头肌(尤指肱二头肌和股二头肌)

the lateral popliteal nerve外侧腘神经

emaciated /ɪˈmeɪsieɪtɪd,ɪˈmeɪʃieɪtɪd/adj. 瘦弱的;憔悴的v. 憔悴;消瘦下去(emaciate的过去分词)

in full external rotation. in full external rotation.

palsy/ˈpɔːlzi/n. 麻痹,麻痹状态;中风vt. 麻痹;使瘫痪

crutches /ˈkrʌtʃɪz/n. 拐杖,支撑物;叉状架(crutch复数)

lack of supervision缺乏监管

entrapment /ɪnˈtræpmənt/n. 诱捕;圈套;截留

local nerve entrapment局部神经卡压

typical features 典型特点

numbness or paraesthesia麻木或感觉异常/ˈnʌmnəs/ /,pærɪs'θiʒə/

muscle wasting 肌肉萎缩

valgus elbow /'vælɡəs/n. 外翻足的人;外翻足adj. 外翻的

ulnar nerve尺神经;尺骨神经

lateral condyle or supracondylar fracture外侧髁或髁上骨折

median nerve正中神经

posterior tibial nerve胫后神经

anterior transposition前置术







