【技贴】Mobility、IPI 与隔振之间的关系及应用!
Mobility主要对系统中、高频的振动及噪声传递性能进行分析考察, 一般计算频率可达到500或800Hz。

(1)Purpose of Using Rubber Mounts Motion Control Isolation;
(2)Mount stiffness greatly effects vehicle performance. In general, soft mount is good for noise, but bad for R & H;
(3)Mount Stiffness Stiffer mounts rates in radial direction will improve motion control and rough road isolation, but may increase noise level Tuning body/PT mount at each location for better Noise, Vibration, and ride performance is required after structures redesigned。
Key to NVH isolation is:
(1)Stiff attachments applied to both side soft mount;
(2)Soft rubber。

(1)Ratioof velocity to force at each frequency
(2)Given in dB, ref.
dB for Mobility

3、How are Mobility and Stiffness Related?
(1)Mobility is related to stiffness
(2)stiffness is force over displacement (k = F/X)
(3)mobility is velocity over force (M = V/F)
(4)to convert stiffness to mobility

(1)k is the isolator rate (N/mm)
(2)Mk is mobility of isolator rate
(3)w is radial frequency (rad/sec = 2pf)
(4)w is needed to differentiate displacement to velocity
(1)For a stiffness of 20,000 N/mm at 150 Hz

4、Connecting Components with Isolation

(1) Mobility 也是频域上的复数,动刚度其实是同一事物的不同表述,它们都反映物体局部动态刚度特性;

3、Mobility或者 IPI 目标值的确定


(5)通常情况情况下,接附点动刚度值为0.2mm/s 或者 5~10倍的隔振垫刚度。
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