【火腿快新闻】电台丨美国资深火腿大叔Neil Rapp的火腿脱口秀节目上线啦!

Ham Talk Live!, a live call-in show about Ham Radio begins this week! The show is live on Thursdays at 9 pm Eastern time. Archived shows are also available on podcasts at iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube, and Spreaker. The 30 minute show takes calls from listeners via Skype and telephone. This week's guest is DXer and contester Dr. Scott Wright, K0MD! Join us Thursday night live by going to hamtalklive.com.

火腿脱口秀,本周一档现场直播的电话讨论的火腿电台上线。该节目将在美国东部时间每周四晚9点直播。在 iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube,和 Spreaker.可以收听节目。听众可以通过Skype 和telephone连线30分钟的直播节目。本周节目嘉宾是远征通联和竞赛者Scott Wright, K0MD博士,登录 hamtalklive.com 网站收听我们周四晚的直播吧!

Ham Talk LIVE! With Neil Rapp WB9VPG

Web: HamTalkLive.com

Email: contact@hamtalklive.com

Facebook: facebook.com/HamTalkLive

Twitter: @HamTalkLive

Skype: hamtalklive

Call-in phone: 812-NET-HAM-1




I am excited to announce that I am launching a new internet based call-in talk show about ham radio called “Ham Talk LIVE!” starting Thursday, February 18! The show will be in the format of most broadcast talk radio shows. From time to time, guests will be interviewed on the show. Then, callers will be able to either call or Skype the show to ask questions of the guest. Other shows will just be rag chew, where callers will talk about various topics or newsworthy items related to ham radio. The weekly show will broadcast each Thursday evening at 9:00 pm Eastern time. To tune into the show, listeners simply go to HamTalkLive.com. To contact the show, listeners either call (812) NET-HAM-1 (812-638-4261) or Skype hamtalklive. The show will last 30 minutes each week. If listeners miss the live show, a downloadable podcast will be available on iTunes, Spreaker, and possibly other outlets soon after each broadcast.

我兴奋地宣布从周四开始(2月18日)将推出一个新的基于互联网平台的业余无线电电话谈话节目——“火腿脱口秀!“ 这个节目将和大多数电台脱口秀节目的形式一样。会不定时地邀请嘉宾接受采访。听众可以用电话或Skype给应邀嘉宾提问。在节目中可以闲聊,打入电话的听众将讨论和业余无线电相关的各种话题或有新闻价值事件。节目播出时间为每星期四晚上东部时间晚9点。听众只要访问HamTalkLive.com即可在线收听这个节目。听众联系节目可打电话(812)NET-HAM-1(812-638-4261)或Skype hamtalklive。这个节目每周播出30分钟。如果听众错过现场直播,可以在节目播出后不久,在iTunes上下载的播客,Spreaker,或其他媒体下载收听。

Some of the guests that are scheduled to be on the show so far include: Dr. Scott Wright K0MD, well known DXer and member of several DXpeditions; and Don Wilbanks AE5DW, News Anchor from “Amateur Radio Newsline” and “Ham Nation”.

目前为止,计划邀请到节目中的嘉宾到包括:Scott Wright博士K0MD,知名的远征通联者和几个DXpeditions的会员;Don Wilbanks  AE5DW,”业余无线电新闻通”和“火腿的国家”节目的新闻主播。

The show will be hosted by Neil Rapp, WB9VPG. Neil has been a ham since age 5 in 1976. He was the world’s youngest ham operator at that time. Neil is currently teaching chemistry and sponsoring the ham radio club at Bloomington High School South in Bloomington, Indiana. He is a live sports public address announcer, and a former radio announcer and host of the “Sports Corral” at WFML-FM in his hometown of Vincennes, Indiana. Neil brings with him a lifetime of ham radio experience, mostly focused on working with young people, schools, and repeaters. He is the recipient of the 2014 Indiana Radio Club Council Amateur of the Year award, the 2003 Indiana Radio Club Council Technical Excellence Award, and the 2004 ARRL Professional Educator of the Year award. Neil is a life member and assistant Central Division director of ARRL, a member of QCWA, and several local clubs.


For more information about Ham Talk LIVE!, please email contact@hamtalklive.com.


(英文来源: QRZ.COM)

