




Nat Immunol. 2017 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print]

Postprandial macrophage-derived IL-1β stimulates insulin, and both synergistically promote glucose disposal and inflammation.

Dror E, Dalmas E, Meier DT, Wueest S, Thévenet J, Thienel C, Timper K, Nordmann TM, Traub S, Schulze F, Item F, Vallois D, Pattou F, Kerr-Conte J, Lavallard V, Berney T, Thorens B, Konrad D, Boni-Schnetzler M, Donath MY.

University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; University Children's Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Lille, France; European Genomic Institute for Diabetes, Lille, France; University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland; University of Geneva School of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland.

The deleterious effect of chronic activation of the IL-1β system on type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases is well documented. However, a possible physiological role for IL-1β in glucose metabolism has remained unexplored. Here we found that feeding induced a physiological increase in the number of peritoneal macrophages that secreted IL-1β, in a glucose-dependent manner. Subsequently, IL-1β contributed to the postprandial stimulation of insulin secretion. Accordingly, lack of endogenous IL-1β signaling in mice during refeeding and obesity diminished the concentration of insulin in plasma. IL-1β and insulin increased the uptake of glucose into macrophages, and insulin reinforced a pro-inflammatory pattern via the insulin receptor, glucose metabolism, production of reactive oxygen species, and secretion of IL-1β mediated by the NLRP3 inflammasome. Postprandial inflammation might be limited by normalization of glycemia, since it was prevented by inhibition of the sodium-glucose cotransporter SGLT2. Our findings identify a physiological role for IL-1β and insulin in the regulation of both metabolism and immunity.

PMID: 28092375

DOI: 10.1038/ni.3659

