




Qianlong Tongbao is the currency in circulation in Qianlong period. It was minted in Qianlong period. The back of the coin is Manchu, very complicated, with detailed price and rubbings of coins. The front side is engraved with the words "Qianlong Tongbao". The order is from bottom to top, from right to left. The shape and size vary with the period.

To coin a new coin, a batch of coins of an experimental nature must first be coined — "sample money" — for examination and approval by higher authorities, which is the procedure used by central and local money bureaus. (Public Number: Genuine Deposit of Coin Commemorative Coins from the Post) If a mint wants to test its ingredients, techniques, costs, etc., and at the same time report to the competent department on the progress of coinage work, acceptance of the examination and approval of coin quality, etc., it must first try to coin "sample coins".

From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic, collectors did not pay much attention to sample money in the Qing Dynasty, and after liberation some money spectrum also rarely mentioned sample money. Today, the sculpture mother, mother if the stars, the kind of money with its scarcity, the kind of large and neat, meticulous and other factors, more and more attention to coin enthusiasts. The quality and quantity of the sample money is between the mother money and the common circulating money, but its price is much higher than the common money and close to the mother money. Since ancient times, some coins which are obviously larger than the same kind of common coins, exquisitely made, small in quantity but inferior in quality, have been regarded as "sample coins", and there are different views on the casting process of sample coins. Most people think that sample coins are made by adopting special manufacturing techniques to make the finished products more beautiful.

Speaking of ancient coins, Qing Qianlong Tong Bao is worth saying, during the reign of Emperor Qianlong to suppress the size of the rebellion, six Jiangnan. Sixty years in office, created a feudal society in the last brilliant flourishing age. Qianlong Tongbao is the currency in circulation in Qianlong period. It is said that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coins can drive away evil spirits. Because of its homophonic pronunciation "Qianlong", Qianlong coins are very popular among collectors.









个人中肯建议:做什么事总是抱着我们的就是我们的,不是我们的怎么抢都不会抢的态度 OK,否则急功近利,走捷径最后一事无成,也不希望自己的藏友在出手时能理性地看待自己,不要对自己有太大的期望。


