医学影像英语每日读丨110.CT Imaging of Solid Pancreatic Tumors (part6)




1. neuroendocrine  [nju:rə'endəkraɪn] adj. 神经内分泌的

2. adenocarcinoma [ˌædnoʊˌkɑ:sə'noʊmə] n. 腺癌

3. vasculature ['væskjələˌtʃə] n. 脉管系统

4. parenchyma [pə'reŋkɪmə] n. 实质

5. occult  [ˈɑ:kʌlt] adj. 隐匿性的

Unlike the tumor we're going to talk about later, neuroendocrine tumors, it is going to be very difficult for an adenocarcinoma for you to draw discrete margins around the tumor. And in many cases, it can be very difficult to actually measure the tumor discretely.

Now not only does this tumor infiltrate,it's often gonna have a tendency to encase adjacent vasculature, and it will tend to involve the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct,obstructing both of those.

Here's a relatively typical pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Notice that it's hypodense, it's poorly enhancing, it is relatively ill-defined and poorly marginated. And you can see that in the second image on the bottom-right, it is obstructing the pancreatic duct with abrupt cutoff at the level of the mass.

Now in most cases, you're gonna be able to see the lesion. But I will warn you there are five to ten percent of pancreatic cancers where you are not gonna be able to find the lesion on CT. In these cases the lesion is gonna be essentially isoattenuating to the pancreatic parenchyma on both the arterial and venous phase. And in such instances you are gonna have to look for secondary signs of tumor which is gonna alert you to the presence of an occult tumor.


胰腺实性肿瘤的CT表现 part6








