269.Strictures in Crohn's disease(4)


High-grade small bowel obstruction due to Crohn's disease is rare.  However, surgery may be necessary in patients with repeated partial obstructions and fibrotic, non-distensible strictures or in patients in whom carcinoma is suspected. Resective surgery is often followed by disease recurrence and renewed stricture formation or adhesions causing renewed obstruction. Therefore, whenever possible, stricturoplasty should replace resective surgery. The small bowel enema can demonstrate an obstruction caused by stenotic Crohn's disease.


1. bowel [ˈbaʊəl, baʊl] n. 肠

2. fibrotic [faɪb'rɒtɪk] adj. 纤维变性的,纤维化的

3. distensible [dɪ'stensəbəl] adj. 扩大的,胀的,可扩张的

4. stricturoplasty 狭窄成形术

5. enema [ˈɛnəmə] n. 灌肠剂

